Carter, Elizabeth
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Carter, Elizabeth Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Carter, Elizabeth

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Carter, Elizabeth Empty Carter, Elizabeth

Post by Elizabeth Carter Tue May 22, 2012 8:48 pm

Carter, Elizabeth Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0wiL0ffQ2H9CNMWPLOhbosUAMWikttpTWSwH_MvVzaGqhv9rfCjrZ5i-b


    FULL NAME: Elizabeth Carter

    NICKNAMES: Lizzy

    AGE: 22

    ALLEGIANCE: Neutral

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ex-Hufflepuff

    CLASSES: excelled in potions and DADA

    WAND:Ebony, 9 inches flexible

    PLAY BY: Shakira


    HAIR COLOR: Black and curly hair, below the shoulder.

    EYE COLOR: Light Brown

    HEIGHT: 5'1

    BODY TYPE: Curvy

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Elizabeth always wear her dark jeans with a long sleeve shirt. She usually dress in dark colors and always wear her hair down. She use a ring in her left hand that belonged to her mom.


    * Hand to Hand combat
    * Very Good at drawning
    * Is very creative

    * She is not a very patient person
    * Speak without thinking
    * Don't forgive easily

    * Draw
    * Write stories
    * Music
    * Reading
    * Love the Silence

    * Stupid People
    * People that judge her, without knowing her past.
    * Hot weather

    Try to find peace in her mind and live a relative normal life.

    * Clear her throat when she faces an awkward situation.
    * Play with her fingers when she is in deep thoughts.

    BOGGART: She is scare of never find happiness.

    PATRONUS: Getting a surprise party when she was 12.

    DEMENTOR: The dead of her parents.

    VERITASERUM: She believe in love.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: Find peace in her mind and have a small family.

    PERSONALITY: Elizabeth was a very funny and easy going girl, very friendly, she loved to laugh, tell a lot of jokes and used to be the kind of person who would always put a smile on your face.

    After living a traumatic event at the age of 13 Elizabeth personality change. She became a more reserved person (Some people mistake her and think she is cold) almost never smile and now always try to keep distance between her and other people.

    Usually when she is in a very comfortable position or with somebody she trust you could see her old personality again.


    FATHER: Alexander Carter (Deceased)

    MOTHER: Madeleine Carter (Deceased)

    SIBLING(S): None

    OTHER: Jilian Smith ( Maternal grandmother, Alive)
    Theodor Smith ( Maternal grandfather, Alive)

    BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle Class

    PET(S): None

    Her childhood house after turning 18.


    Early Years:
    Elizabeth was born in a muggleborn family. She lived in a small town were everyone knew each other. Her father worked in a small company he owned and her mother worked with him.

    She used to stay with her grandparents (from mother side) while they were working. This made her really close to them.

    Her grandfather was an artist. He spend a lot of his time painting (It could be portraits or just nature, even his own fantasy world), this got Elizabeth curious and at the age of 9 he started to teach her how to paint and made very realistic drawings.

    She then started writing stories, making the world of fantasy his grandfather created in his paintings, a reality in each small tale she wrote.

    When she discover magic she was excited, and her whole family supported her in this new life she was about to live.

    Hogwarts Years: Elizabeth started great her life in hogwarts, she used to have a lot of friends and always attended to her classes on time. Her favorites classes were potions and DADA (in which she would always get good grades).

    Everything was great until she was on her third year and went to visit her family on holidays. Her parents never came to the train station so she asked one of her friends to take her home.

    When she arrive all her life changed. She found her parents dead in the living room. Frozen the only thing she could do was cry until someone find her and call the police.

    Elizabeth went to live with her grandparents. Two years later she discover her parents were murder by a thief, and that the police caught him after a bad robbery he tried.

    She decided to start training in hand to hand combat so she wouldn't be helpless like her parents were in that moment. She also began learn healing so she would do something to help the people close to her in case of accidents.

    Despite that the murderer was caught she never find peace in her mind, and all of her nights are still full of nightmares, replaying every time the horrible moment.

    After everything that happened in her third year, she started to lose her friends and usually never get on time on her classes. Despite this she graduate.

    Adulthood:When she graduate she left the magic world completely, focused all that time in her drawings and spending time with her muggle family. She lived with her grandparents until she was 18 and then left to her own apartment. Despite leaving them, Elizabeth still have a very close relationship with her grandparents, she is always talking to them and checking if they are ok or if they need something. She would never hesitate in leave everything behind only for them.

    Elizabeth is 22 and now have decided to give the magic world another chance, thinking that maybe in there she would find her true happiness.

    Magic Ability: Healing


    YOUR NAME: Tess

    RP EXPERIENCE: A Few moths


    Alice Jones (But I want her to be deleted)

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: The same as the first one, I want to get better at my writing


Last edited by Elizabeth Carter on Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:32 pm; edited 6 times in total
Elizabeth Carter
Elizabeth Carter

Number of posts : 148
Special Abilities : Healing
Occupation : Nurse at St. Mungo's Hospital

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Carter, Elizabeth Empty Re: Carter, Elizabeth

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu May 24, 2012 8:50 pm

ok, first, you need to change your user name on this account to elizabeth carter instead of alice jones.

second, we can assist w/ the pb stuff later

next, how does she know when people are lying? are you planning on filing for some magical ability w/ her? It would also help if you put, behind her parents names (deceased) so that we know they're dead.

it does not say that her grandparents are dead. are they still living? if so, does she still have a relationsihp with them?

what magical skills does she have? what classes did she do well in? you have a good start, but i really do want to know more about her. i feel like i need more information.

let us know if you need help
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Carter, Elizabeth Empty Re: Carter, Elizabeth

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu May 24, 2012 10:42 pm

ok. that works. now--if she wants to be a healer, she could apply as a healer at Hogwarts if she likes or at St. Mungos if here are any positions available.

thats where you find the job listings.

give me a moment while i sort her to grads!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Carter, Elizabeth Empty Re: Carter, Elizabeth

Post by Elizabeth Carter Thu May 24, 2012 10:52 pm

ok I will do that, thanks Smile
Elizabeth Carter
Elizabeth Carter

Number of posts : 148
Special Abilities : Healing
Occupation : Nurse at St. Mungo's Hospital

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Carter, Elizabeth Empty Re: Carter, Elizabeth

Post by Jess Potter Fri May 25, 2012 1:27 pm

Sorry for not getting back to you about all this, btw, crazy week haha
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 14221
Special Abilities : Wandless Magic, Seer, Flying, Legilimens

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Carter, Elizabeth Empty Re: Carter, Elizabeth

Post by Elizabeth Carter Fri May 25, 2012 5:30 pm

It's ok! Don't worry about it =p
Elizabeth Carter
Elizabeth Carter

Number of posts : 148
Special Abilities : Healing
Occupation : Nurse at St. Mungo's Hospital

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