Middleton, Serena Diana
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Middleton, Serena Diana Li9olo10

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Middleton, Serena Diana

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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Alexander Greengrass Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:37 pm

Middleton, Serena Diana Mackenzie-foy-garnet-hill-562

Serena Diana Middleton


    FULL NAME: Serena Diana Middleton


    AGE: 11 ½

    ALLEGIANCE: Neutral, but I’m sure that will change as she grows and becomes more accustom to the wizarding world.

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw or Gryffindor

    CLASSES: Charms, CoMC, and Transfiguration.

    WAND: An 11 inch rose wood wand with a unicorn tail hair core. It is slightly flexible.

    PLAY BY: Mackenzie Foy


    HAIR COLOR:Long brunet ; chocolate brownish

    EYE COLOR: big and golden brown

    HEIGHT: about 4 foot and 4 inches

    BODY TYPE: short, thin, pale skin, over all she is just small

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Serena has long dark hair that comes down to about the middle of her back and she has big golden brown eyes. She is four foot and four inches tall with a small body frame. Over all she just looks delicate like a porcelain doll. She has pale skin and pink thin lips. Her head is kind of round and a small nose. She was always told that she looked beautiful by her parents and she believes it so she thinks everyone else is ugly compared to her and her family.
    Rena refuses to wear anything but the best, even her dippers where designer. Most of the time she wears jeans and a tee shirt but sometimes you can find her wearing a dress or a skirt. She normally wears flat, trainers or boots. She doesn’t like the heels they make for little kids because of the bug chunky heel. And even though most think she is to young she sometimes wears make up including eyeliner and mascara.


    Skills she doesn’t know about yet:
    Charms, and Transfiguration..
    Skills she’s known most of her life:
    She’s Persuasive, Strong Headed, and artistic (for an eleven year old without practice in the arts).

    Weaknesses she is just learning about:
    Potions and dada
    Weaknesses she’s known most her life:
    Getting along, Fitting in, Being nice, Reading and Math.

    Known to her forever:
    Pretty music, Dancing, Drawing, Animals, and fairy tale princesses, cloths
    Just learning about:
    Flying and magic.

    Known to her forever:
    Poor people, being told what to do, school and not getting what she wants, ugly people, and cloths that are not designer, large groups of people.
    Just learning about:

    GOALS: since she is only eleven years old and just now entering the wizarding world Serena doesn’t really have any plans magical wise (but that will change as she learns more.) though she always tells her parents and family that she wants to be a princess when she grows up.

    QUIRKS: When she is thinking she will suck on her thumb, and she always walks around with her nose up in the air like the little miss. Prissy pants she is.

    BOGGART: The dark.

    PATRONUS: The day she got Socks who was the only pet she was allowed to have in the house, but nothing stopped her from bring Lightning inside too.

    DEMENTOR: The first time she was told no.

    VERITASERUM: Serena would never let the ‘big kids’ know but she still sleeps with a teddy bear to keep the bad things away.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To be a Princess, but that will change as she gets older.

    PERSONALITY: Serena is a spoiled brat, everything has to be done her way or not at all. Sometimes she is shy but she stands up for what she believes in. This eleven year old girl is strong headed and stubborn and will not settle for anything but the best. She is her daddy’s little girl and her uncles Princess Serena. Uncle Brian gave her this nick name because she has always been treated like one and he doesn’t have any kids of his own along with the fact that her older brothers’ name is Prince.
    Her family entertains her bratty ways and does nothing to stop it. Even her brother gives her what she wants, many times he’s end up playing a game where he’d wait on her hand and foot for a few hours but the two of them found it funny. It wasn’t like Rena ever made him do anything that would hurt either of them she loves her brother too much for that. The eleven year old has a strong since of family that will always be with her. She will always stand up for the ones she loves just as they would for her.


    FATHER: Arthur Blake Middleton- 30 years old, distantly related to English Royalty.

    MOTHER: Karen Anna Middleton- 28 years old, Half-blood, lied about her past until their first child turned 11

    Brothers: Prince Maurice Middleton-13 years old goes by Maurice most of the time, only his sister calls him Prince.
    Kendall Dante Middleton- five years old
    Sister: Elena Melanie Middleton- two years old
    And there is another on the way.

    OTHER: Teddy, her stuffed bear
    Brian Malachi Middleton-20 years old her favorite and only uncle

    BLOOD STATUS: Half blood
    RACE: Human
    SOCIAL STATUS: Wealthy

    At School: Snow a barn Owl, and socks a white cat with black paws
    At Home: Lighting a black pony, Spot a Dalmatian, Bell a cow.
    BROOMSTICK(): she doesn’t know anything about flying and does not own one.


    Early Years: Serena’s parents had always known each other, they lived in next door to each other their whole lives and even while they went to different schools they’d write to each other every night. They went through all of the stages of being friends, then best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, to braking up and getting back together multiple times and finally getting married when they were eighteen years old. At the ages of twenty three and twenty one they had their first child Prince, and then two years later came Serena. The young couple gave their children everything they wanted even when they tried to say no their uncle who lived with the family would get it for them. The two were always spoiled rotten and nothing really changed that. They only got the best of the best.
    When Rena was six there came another boy named Kendall, the young Serena would pack him around and treat him like she would one of her dolls causing her parents to hire a nanny to fallow their daughter around so she wouldn’t hurt her baby brother. Soon she grew out of it but that only lasted until they had another little girl named Elena and it all started over again.
    The four children always got along, but when Prince turned eleven years old he left for Hogwarts. Serena started spending a little more time alone. She had always been closest to her older brother but now she wouldn’t see him for almost a year and it made her sad to think about it. But two years later she followed him.

    Hogwarts Years: It was a Gray and cloudy day when Serena got on the train to Hogwarts for the first time. Prince was with her and their siblings, parents and uncle had come to see them off to school. Serena held tight to her teddy bear and her brother as he ushered her though the crowded train station and onto the big train. He had found his friends who all sat in a compartment together and pulled her into the compartment with him. She had met many of the boys that sat there greeting her brother over the summer when they had come over for her brothers birthday and just to hang out, but there were still a few she didn’t know. She sat squished between the wall and her brother quietly as she listened to their conversations about what they had done over the summer. One had even turned to her to ask Serena which house she wanted to be in and her reply was ‘the same one as Prince.’ They looked at her confused most of them referred to her brother by his middle name and didn’t even know what his first name was. As they stared at her with confusion she wished she could disappear, she wished that they couldn’t see her. When it was time to change Prince showed his little sister where she could put on her robes and then went to change himself before telling her to meet him in the compartment when she was finished.
    Once the train arrived in Hogsmeed Prince took Serena to the games keeper who would be escorting the first years across the lake in the boats. Before he left he told her he’d see her again in the great hall after she was sorted. She nodded and stayed close to the man she had been left with as he ran off to meet up with his friends. She road across the lake in the same boat as the games keeper and didn’t stray too far from her fellow first years as they gathered in the entrance hall just outside of the great hall. Once they walked through the big doors Serena started looking for her big brother as she waited for her name to be called.



    YOUR NAME: Cecilia

    RP EXPERIENCE: in march it will be 5 years.

    HOW YOU FOUND US: who can remember after this long because I’ve been here for over three years.
    OTHER CHARACTERS:Cecilia Krum, Jaden Jamison but I’m thinking about dropping him since I never really role played with him and I forgot a lot about him.
    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: I’ve Played Cecilia for so long I just need something to balance her out.


Last edited by Serena Middleton on Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Alexander Greengrass
Alexander Greengrass
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:43 pm

cecilia, the list for characters you have here does differ a bit from the list under the multiple characters list. Would you mind checking that please and replying to me as to all the active characters you do have? I'd like that list to be current for you before I respond about this character. i'm not necessarily against you having a new character, but we do need to be correct because the lists do seem to be very different.


Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:27 pm

Well, you're just a bit heavy on the skills and strengths. its highly unlikely that a first year would be proficient in all those areas. I'd like to see you make that more realistic.

She could also be a slytherin too. she's been raised to be invested in her own self centeredness rather than to be more invested in others, so she's not a gryffindor. She's also very tightly devoted to family, which speaks to tradition. her wealth had her spoiled upbringing has her, basically, looking own on others.

I don't see a lot of Ravenclaw in her either. If i had to place her right now, I'd be placing her in Slytherin. Is that what you want?

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Alexander Greengrass Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:31 pm

When i put those Classes i ment that she would be extremaly skilled in those things later in her life. those are things that will come naturaly to her in her life.
And you can place her in what ever house you'd like i'd just perfer her to be placed in one of the two. if you don't think she dosen't belong there then don't put her there
Alexander Greengrass
Alexander Greengrass
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:40 pm

You need to delete two of those classes from that skills list though. No wizard is skilled at that many, even as an adult. You do that, and I'll accept her.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Alexander Greengrass Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:45 pm

Okay there we go!
Alexander Greengrass
Alexander Greengrass
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:48 pm

Much better. Accepted and sorted into Slytherin!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Number of posts : 23244
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Alexander Greengrass Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:57 pm

Thank you!
Alexander Greengrass
Alexander Greengrass
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Middleton, Serena Diana Empty Re: Middleton, Serena Diana

Post by Jess Potter Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:41 am

Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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