Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Jess Potter Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:40 am

Jess sat peacefully at his chair in the kitchen (No grand entrance for once) calmly reading a book on wandlore, something he'd taken interest in over the course of the past few months.

He did, however feel a little nervous about the meeting today, he'd not been up to his best work recently, and he'd let his grip on the Order slide, having not held a meeting in several weeks, months even.

But in all reality, it was the right thing to do. The Order was a group which was intended to operate in times of emergency, not a permanent force, that was what the Aurors were for. Really though, that was just an excuse. Right now the Order was not under dire threat, nor was the wizarding world. Things were a little quiet right now, too quiet in his mind.

Still, all that was to be discussed in the coming hour or so, all Jess hoped for right now, was that everyone turned up.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Jacob Foster Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:49 am

Jacob appeared outside Grimmauld place with a quiet crack. He fumbled in his pocket for a pack cigarettes finding it he opened it took one out placed it in his lips. He then found his lighter and light the cigarette inhaling once and then blowing out the smoke. Feeling relaxed again after aperating (which he hated to do) he walked up the 12th house in the lane, well where it was going to be anyway he waited patiently for it to appear from the other two houses surrounding it and then walked in. He looked down his clothes as he walked through the front door. He did like his outfit today it was a black shirt with black pants and scuffed black boots, which looked a little funny considering his long blond hair and his white almost pale skin. Looking back up he continued his journey into the house.

Jacob walked down the dark hallway making sure not to make any noise so none of the portraits announced his preasence. He walked into the kitchen and smiled at Jess as he noticed he was reading "hey mate" he said as he took the cigarette from his lips and flicked some ash off of it. "good book I take it?" he said rhetorically sitting in a chair at the kitchen table. He leaned back in his chair and took another drag from his cigarette letting the smoke out slowly as he waited for the meeting to start.
Jacob Foster
Jacob Foster

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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by James William Wilson Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:00 am

Both Wilson and McCoy managed to skip some of their duties to attend. Both of them, wearing dark blue suits, apparated into London, Hyde Park to be exact, several hours earlier just to take a stroll through the busy city. It has been a long time since they had the possibility to do so, mainly because of their duties in school. After rummaging through the streets of London, they made their way to Grimmauld Place.

Also, a long time since they've been here. They waited for the building to appear and then entered the old, almost ruined, house. Shutting the old Black hag, they made their way to their usual meeting point. Both of them entered, taking their usual seats. ''A pleasure as always, I hope we did not miss anything interesting'', McCoy greeted. ''Hello, my dear friend'', Wilson added.
James William Wilson
James William Wilson

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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Sophia Granger Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:53 am

Sophia appeared on the corner in front of the Grimmauld Place and smiled for it seemed like ages since she was here. Walking towards the Grimmauld Place she opened the door quietly and walked into the hallway area and started walking towards the kitchen. "Hey Jess, long time no see how are you?"Sophia asked him softly as she walked over towards him and bent down to give him a hug. "Oh my gosh, it feels like forever since I seen you, how you been?"Sophia asked him softly as she let go of him and took a seat beside him. Looking around Sophia realized she was early but she liked being early for everything it was just the wasy she was.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:59 pm

Jack was finally able to do something. It was all set up. She had purchased some Floo Powder at the last outing and had used a Decoy Detonator to clear out the Gryffindor common room before clambering into the fireplace and saying, "Number 12 Grimmauld Place." The plan had worked because the Ministry did not have as tight control over the Floo Network as they used to, making it all pretty simple.

She appeared in the place and memories of the battle there made her shudder. She raised her head and shook the ashes from her clothes. She was alone and out of her element, but she was strong and unafraid. She coughed and made her way to where everyone was congregated, wondering who knew she would be there. She was the only student, she was sure.

She knew Jess from the battle and other outings and the girl seemed familiar. She saw her professors and paused, wondering if they would still be mad to see her out of school. Wilson was her head of house; she was sure they would understand. She raised her eyebrows and tilted her chin to the people there, heading for one of the chairs down the table, sitting. She had a feeling her cousin would not be there today. It seemed he had fallen off the side of the earth like his father.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Jess Potter Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:02 am

Jess looked up from his book and smiled, nodding to Jacob. "Hey man," he said, closing the book and standing up, shaking his friend's hand firmly. "The best," he said with a chuckle. "Thought not very exciting, good for the mind," he added. "Please, take a seat," he said, gesturing to the table. Smoking was a bad habit, he'd always felt, but he wouldn't worry about it, Jacob was an adult, he could make his own choices.

"Ah, McCoy, Wilson," he added, just before the two entered. Mrs Black had a very particular insult for the two of them, one that obviously couldn't be repeated here, but Jess knew when to expect the two of them to enter, based solely on the yelling. "Nice of the two of you to join us, nothing yet," he told them, sitting back down in his seat to await the arrival of anyone else.

Hearing a familiar voice Jess couldn't help but grin, knowing who it was before he felt the arms wrap around him. Standing up he couldn't help but return the embrace, holding on just a little longer than was necessary to convey all his happiness in seeing her. "Soph!" He said cheerily, hugging her once more before gesturing to the seat on his right. "Please, take a seat," he told her, before noticing the flames light up.

It was always a tense moment, he'd felt, when someone entered Number 12 Grimmauld Place via the floo network. It, of course, was secure as any other way, but it always put him slightly on edge. Of course today was no exception, and out stepped a guest who was more than welcome to be there, still, Jess couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. "Jaquellene," he said with a amiable jerk of the head, indicating for her to come and join him. "Here, sit with me," he told her, knowing how intimidating it could be to be new, and out of place in one of these meetings, as such he pointed to the chair on his left, hoping she'd take up his offer.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:08 pm

Jack winced at his word, as she always did when she heard her full name. She should have gotten over it, hell she reacted less when some rude person called her a Mudblood, but grow up resenting a name and doing anything to shirk the actual name and it becomes jolting every time you are reminded that it still is, indeed, your name.

"Jack," she corrected, trying not to sound grouchy like she usually did. She was not sure she liked the idea of sitting right next to Jess; she was not a kid to be babysat or anything. But she knew better than to act out here. Being defiant would seem more like insubordination and immaturity rather than independence. So she respectfully bowed her head and grimly nodded, moving down to the chair he had gestured to. "Thanks," she said.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
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Number of posts : 10287
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Jess Potter Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:37 pm

"Ah, my apologies," Jess replied, smiling kindly at her, he knew all about loathing of a name, something he'd ascertained that she had, but he'd come to accept his own name over time. "I had heard that you preferred that name, but I wasn't sure if it was a close friends only sort of thing, he added.

So she'd come, it was good, she'd taken a risk, and it was hopefully going to pay off with relations between the Order and Potter's Army, hopefully some of his plans would come to life through this meeting. Well, the good ones that was, he was filled with plans, most of them weren't as interesting as the ones he'd thought out for Potter's Army.

Jack, she seemed at odds here, not quite grouchy, but obviously she felt superior, or something similar, her mannerism in accepting further confirmed this. "Please," he said, raising his hands, "No need for bowing, or feeling like I'm bossing you around, you may do what you like here, we're all equals, and I don't like people feeling obliged to do things, just because I suggested it." He told her, though she'd already sat down. "So relax," he added, "And just enjoy being outside of the castle, I imagine that your trip here was quite humorous," He added.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:33 pm

Khaat hadn't been at Grimmauld for awhile. And today, it seemed odd to be arriving on Michael'Tremaine's arm. Of course, it never bothered her to have occasion to spend time with him. She was delighted that he was back in her life again and that her girls would grow up knowing him.

The moment they entered the house, Walburga started on of her rants about a thief being in the house and a Lupin, and she wasn't happy with either. . Michael merely took out a roll of duct tape from his pocket and wordlessly walked into the room and tore off a strip of it and taped it securely across the screaming old bat's mouth. It, of course stopped the shrieking immediately.

"I dont' know who she was angrier at," Khaat laughed out loud, "Me or you."

"Well, she did say something or another about how pretty you could have been if you hadn't been a Lupin," Michael said. "That was just before I taped the old battle axe shut. Sirius won't like it, but he can just suck it up and deal with it. Did you bring any bloody decent coffee? Sirius has some fair firewhiskey, but coffee? Not so much."

"Right here," She patted the leather bag on her shoulder. They walked through to the kitchen. "Hello, All. My parents and Brian are coming. My father and Brian are running just a wee bit behind. They're keeping secrets from me, though. Didnt tell me where they were going--on purpose."

"Hello," Michael greeted them all. He was always a gentleman--or nearly so, and he escorted Khaat to a seat and then sat beside her as she drew out a thermos and two proper stoneware mugs and poured French Roast into them, handing one to Michael.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15 Empty Re: Order of the Phoenix Meeting 15

Post by Jess Potter Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:05 pm

Jess heard the screaming, and couldn't help but grin. In all his time here, he'd never seen Walburga act as badly as she did when Khaat and her entourage arrived. Without fail, there'd always be at least one person with her, and today was clearly no exception. Judging by the screams... Khaat, of course, and... Brian. No, Brian wasn't the thief, and he was going to be late today, that's right, he'd received the message earlier that day. No, this was probably Michael, Walburga often referred to him as being a thief.

Sure enough, rounding the corner came Khaat and Michael, arm in arm, each with a bemused grin on their face. "Good morning," he said with a smile and a wave to both of them." Have a good time with the door lady?" he asked, chuckling momentarily at his own poor joke. "I'm considering having someone come and paint a Bellhop's hat on her," he told her with a wink. "And I heard that Michael," he added, when he mentioned Jess' own less-than-average coffee brewing skills, what he said was mildly true, but he liked his coffee as it was.

"Yes yes," he said, "I know all about the rest of your crew, they'll be here shortly, believe you me," he told her with an overdone wink. "Yes, i didn't think that they'd tell you, good job too, it's pretty hard to hide things from you sometimes." He told her with a chuckle. "We'll start when they, or someone else, arrives, if you're fine with that." He added.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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