&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]
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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Ginevra Malenki Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:58 am

[Sorry for the wait..]

Ginevra hated starting things over. Hated it with a passion, to be more exact. Right now was the first time she'd even come close to the entrance of Hogwarts. It seemed to be next to dead, which was exactly what she wanted at the moment, so it was all good there. Hearing a noise behind her, she turned but saw no one. Shrugging it off, she was definitly paranoid after all that she had experienced in her lifetime, along with just the few last days in general. "Who in the name of merlin is there!" she shouted, hand on her wand located in the pocket of her robe. She had heard the sound again and wasn't going to think she was hearing things. That just wouldn't happen, right? Hopefully not.
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
Special Abilities : Wandless
Occupation : Healer, Creature Injuries

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Guest Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:57 pm

James was walking along the corridors when he noticed a girl near the front doors, who he didn't really recognize. She seemed to look upset, lost, and scared to death all in one look. He knew this would be his perfect opportunity to play a prank, so he hid behind the wall and waited until she came nearer to him and jumped out with his wand out. He hoped she wouldn't freak out at him and that she would see it as a joke just to startle her. It wasn't like he was actually going to do anything.

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Ginevra Malenki Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:08 am

Seeing a boy emerged from behind the wall, Ginevra's eyebrows pulled together in fusteration. She had no jumped, she knew better than that, and her expression was all gone. All the worry, everything, was just wiped off like she was cleaning a window and the dirt just disappeared. Trying to keep her cool, it wasn't that easy but hey, at least she was giving it an attempt. "Do that again and you'll really wish you hadn't." she told him cooly, her hand coming out of her pocket and hanging by her sides. She knew exactly who he was because really, who didn't? He was 'the chosen one's' child, one of them at least, and while with the Death Eaters she heard about him here and there. Shivering mentally at the memory of being with the DE's, she hated it but life was life and that had been a path she chose at one point or another; even if only for revenge of them.
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
Special Abilities : Wandless
Occupation : Healer, Creature Injuries

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Guest Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:15 pm

James listened to the girl's threat and instantly put his wand back in his pocket. "Whoa, whoa," he said. "I was just kidding.." He looked at the girl and that she look relieved that he wasn't a monster or something. "It's good to see a new face, though from what I can tell you don't seem to happy to see mine." He said sort of glumly. This girl looked very much the serious type from what she had said so far, he was expecting laughter from her and not a threat. But he figured he would still continue to talk to her, since he tried not to judge people by first impression.

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Ginevra Malenki Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:41 am

Since Ginevra was the type who had a very rough life latley, you couldn't blame her for being uptight. If you didn't know or hear about her though, you wouldn't know that she had been in the Death Eaters at one point, or that she had recently just left and was now back - though not everyone noticed she was back as she was making it that way. Looking at the boys face, she shook her head. "Sorry, you just can't do that to me, it will never end well." she told him, knowing what she was capable of and also not afraid to do if she needed too. Ginevra was not like most other girls who had no worries and allowed themselves to have fun. She was more calm and not the type who let loose easily, she took time and effort to get herself to go just that much farther to finally getting a little bit of a smile around anyone but the one she currently had screwed things up with, the one she called her best friend. Sighing at the thought of him, she focused back at the Potter. "I'm Gin, by the way." She told him, not giving her full name of purpose. She still didn't like it after all these years, and therefore had got into the habit of just addressing herself as Gin from time to time.
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
Special Abilities : Wandless
Occupation : Healer, Creature Injuries

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Guest Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:34 pm

James looked at the girl as she relaxed and nodded. "Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out or anything. I just thought it'd be funny. But i'll never do that again!" he said laughing slightly. She introduced herself as Gin and he wondered briefly what his full name was. "Well nice to meet you Gin. I'm James Potter. But I assume you already knew that? Most people do."

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Ginevra Malenki Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:16 pm

The people who were smart wouldn't do things like that around her, but not everyone knew what she was like if you messed with her. Unlike other girls, Ginevra was not preppy, giddy and flirty with everyone she was around. Not even close. She was the exact opposite. Plain. Serious. Tough. Everything that was more unusual to see in a teenage girl like herself. Nodding, she wasn't going to lie about already knowing who he was, that would be useless. "Yes, I do know who you are already. Nice to meet you too." she retorted, lifting her hand up to her mouth as she let out a yawn.
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
Special Abilities : Wandless
Occupation : Healer, Creature Injuries

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:55 pm

James wasn't surprised that the girl knew who he was. However, he had a feeling that she was more serious then most of the girl's he talked to. He didn't mind it too much, but he was sort of feeling sorry for pulling a prank on her like that and making her annoyed. But it was just a prank..

He watched her yawn. "You bored or something?" he asked with a smile.

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Ginevra Malenki Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:09 am

Being around people like Darren often changed your prespective on what was funny and what was not. She had tightened up even more about things from him, along with the past life she had experienced. Shaking her head, she wasn't bored, well okay she was, but not because of him. "I just haven't slept much lately." she admitted casually, shrugging as she did. Hopefully he wouldn't give her heck for it like Darren did, though she was secretly hoping he would, just because it gave her the thoughts of how it was with him before she left. Stupid girl. Not being able to help it, Ginevra smiled back at James.
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
Special Abilities : Wandless
Occupation : Healer, Creature Injuries

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&& unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ] Empty Re: && unexpected times call for.. ? [ J A M E S ]

Post by Guest Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:30 pm

James nodded. "Oh, well yeah I'm tired too..But you don't see me going around yawning in people's faces!" he said. "I'm just kidding. I'm tired too...Any reason you haven't been able to sleep well lately?" He wondered what if there was something bothering her. James knew at least the guys dormitories for Gryffindor were good enough for him to sleep in, though he was pretty sure he could fall asleep anywhere, including class.

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