Hallie Cooper
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Hallie Cooper Li9olo10

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Hallie Cooper

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Hallie Cooper Empty Hallie Cooper

Post by Hallie Cooper Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:32 pm


Hallie Cooper Britney_Hemsworth_Wide_Gif'



Toby Cooper:
Toby is Hallie's younger brother who got bitten by a werewolf one evening when they were playing in the woods. Luckily Hallie managed to escape and arrive safely back home where, somehow, her Mother fought off her own son and an attacking werewolf (unaware her son was a werewolf). Hallie ventured into the woods the following morning and told her brother to run away and never come back. She doesn't know why she did this and it is her deepest secret and regret because it was really because she felt guilty of not protecting Toby from the werewolf, Hallie is yet to figure this out. Unfortunately their Mother believes Toby to dead and after a year of him being missing they held a memorial; traumatizing Hallie for the rest of the summer.
However one evening after working in the auror office all day Hallie was mugged in Diagon Alley and it was Toby Cooper who found her, brought her to safety and then the two siblings were together once more.
Amelia Cooper
Hallie's Mother Amelia has always been there for her. As a young child she was always closer to her Father simply because he was more adventurous, daring and. Well. Fun. However after a terrible twist of fate when Robert Cooper was murdered it left Amelia as a single Mum to care for her children Hallie and Toby. It was difficult to get past her Father's death and although Amelia tries to hide this from Hallie the auror knows exactly what her Mother has gone through. She feels guilty for her Mother's pain however, especially the pain caused when Toby vanished from the face of the earth because she was behind it. A secret she can not bare to tell her Mum as she is so ashamed of herself for what she did. The two remain close as for a long while it was simply the two of them. However Hallie still notices how different her Mum has become due to the family breaking apart and she holds herself partly accountable. As a result Hallie now is protective over her Mother and doesn't want to see her hurt again, which is why she was hiding Toby from her in case he vanished again.
After filing for divorce Hallie was sentenced to Azkaban however thanks to her Mother Hallie never saw the inside of a cell for Amelia apparated to Azkaban in time to disarm the guards, release Hallie from their clutches and apparate away. The two spent two months in Spain together under muggle identities and it was during this time Hallie was able to really heal from the trauma of the past year. The bond between Hallie and Amelia couldn't be stronger and although Amelia remains in Spain Hallie knows that she will never be out of reach.


- Maura Goldstein:
Hallie doesn't quiet remember how she became friends with Maura yet the pair are great friends, depsite Maura being a vampire. Initially Hallie found it weird and somewhat unnerving but now the idea of Maura not being a vampire is totally bizzare. Their friendship also developed more in the Hostage Plot ( see below ).
- Ryo Hiroku:
Because of the time Hallie spends with Maura, with Ryo and Maura sharing a love interest it has only led to the Gryffindor spending more time with fellow seventh year Ryo Hiroku. As a result they have developed a somewhat friendly relationship, greeting each other and sharing conversations every now and then. They aren't the best of friends but are more than acquaintances, plus the fact Maura talks about Ryo a lot to Hallie means that she knows an awful lot about him.
- Sophia Granger:
Given the fact the healer has saved Hallie's life on numerous occasions now and Maura's too it only makes sense that the two are now friends to an extent. On top of that Sophia was the one who introduced Hallie to the Order of the Phoenix. Although not the best of friends given through what they've been through together - or more so given what Sophia has recovered Hallie from after she's been through it.

- Taranee Raine:
Due to a short age difference, being in the same house and gender mean't that Tara and Hallie developed a friendship. Tara isn't as close to Hallie as Maura is yet the Hallie considers Tara a friend above all else and literally put her own life on the line to save her.
- Padril Crennent:
Hallie met Padril accidently when trying to find her potions professor. The two got on instantly due to both having grew up in a Muggle society. Although both Hallie's parents are magical she grew up in a Muggle village in the Lake District where her Father (Muggleborn) grew up. Although the pair aren't the best of friends they can hold conversations and even discussed the topic of love, which helped Hallie re-evaluate the love interest she has in Brian Sullivan.
- Molly Weasley:
Being in the same house they have spoken on occasions although they wouldn't delve into a great conversation. The only real conversation beyond simple discussions at the dinner table is when the two were alone in Molly's dormitory and Hallie was trying to find out Brian's thoughts on her.
- Sam Nesbitt:
Being in the same house and the same year Hallie and Sam have known and shared time together for a while. Although they aren't the closest of friends right now and don't strike up conversation what happened in the shrieking shack certainly brought them subconsciously closer
- Jack Dyllan:
The only reason that the pair are aquaintences is because Jack was the person who found Toby Cooper and took him in before deciding to track down his family, which is where Hallie came in. Although they aren't friends Hallie owes it to Jack for finding Toby. Since then Hallie has further established a relationship with Jack, working beneath her in the Order. Although the two are not friends exactly Hallie sees Jack more than an acquaintance, maybe a teacher, someone to learn from and respect. Jack was also the one who saw potential and leadership within Hallie, promoting her to lead the Order after Jack resigned from the position.
- Khaat Lupin:
Hallie was the one who rescued Khaat and her newborn twins from the Blood pack headquarters, taking them to safety. This was around the time Hallie was contemplating an abortion although upon seeing the bond Khaat held with her sons the witch knew she couldn't abort and continued with the pregnancy. During this mission Hallie was entrusted the location of the Lupin's safe house and became an active member in protecting them, accompanying Marcus Belby on numerous occasions to ensure no danger came to Khaat - one being the time when the werewolf pack lured her into the catacombs of Knockturn Alley, which brought about Hallie's miscarriage when she was knocked off her feet around the stone chamber. Since then Hallie has distanced herself with the Lupins and has learnt the dangers and dramas that come with them, now only supporting them and helping them anonymously when she feels it necessary or if she accidentally discovers anything such as Gideon Pierce's whereabouts.

- Marcus Belby:
[justify]Both have worked together on numerous Order missions and tasks involving the safety of Khaat Lupin. The two seem to have worked well together and Hallie considers him an acquaintance, even after watching him perform the killing curse (to her horror)[/justify[

Previous Love Interests:
Theodore Rookwood:
[justify]Hallie was one of the first to be coupled in the new marriage law and was partnered with Theodore Rookwood, a high status wizard who is none other than the Headmaster of Hogwarts. This created problems in her family circle seeing as Theodore is her Mothers boss and her friend Maura was rather disgusted, After not starting on the best of terms Hallie is now married to Theodore after a beautiful wedding, which made her genuinely happy. However as the relationship develops Hallie is still feeling in the dark about how her life will be and whether she will truly fall in love with her husband. She decided to change her name to Rookwood out of consideration and decency to him as well as tradition. This also shows that she cares somewhat about him already and is optimistic and hopeful that the relationship will pay off. Hallie is somewhat physically attracted to him and as she gets to know him is starting to realise that he isn't the jack ass that she first though.
Part way through their relationship, Hallie fell pregnant and after a few rocks in the ocean the two decided to stay together and raise the child that Hallie was undecided upon keeping. Unfortunately things didn't help the relationship when Theodore's legitimate daughter came into the picture along with a miscarriage in which Hallie had to deliver the baby still-born due to how far along in the pregnancy she was. It was this that caused a separation between the two as both needed to grieve in different ways. Since Theodore walked out of the hospital, leaving Hallie along in the hospital bed with their child, the two haven't had a conversation and shortly after Hallie filled for divorce ending their relationship.
- Carth Brownlowe:
Carth and Hallie met on the night that she suffered the cruciatus curse, watched her friends get tortured and managed to fight off Alexis D'Eath enough to apparate with Maura to St Mungos, ultimately saving her best friends life. Carth returned with Hallie to the shrieking shack to rescue the others and Hallie now considers them acquaintances for at the moment. Carth is currently an auror in training, which Hallie has just started too and has instantly taken a liking to Carth and is somewhat 'swooning' over him every time they work together. Furthermore she is secretly hoping that the new marriage law that the Ministry are passing partner her with him.
- Joshua Alden:
To celebrate getting through her auror interview she decided to go for a night out at Satan's club in Knockturn Alley. There she met Joshua Alden and there was an instant attraction between the pair and they got talking and it wasn't long before one thing led to another and Hallie was waking up in Joshua's bed the next day.
- Brian Sullivan:
Also known as 'Mr. Seeker' (he replaced Henry on the team) Hallie had never understood why all the girls went weak at the knees whenever he was around until one night when they happened to meet in the kitchens after dark. After already having a few drinks at the Hogs Head Hallie's inhibitations were lowered the idea of Brian appeared exciting. After all she is adventurous and mischievous - much like Brian. The night resulted in a hot, passionate kiss that Hallie found it difficult seem to forget but eventually moved on. Although she did have feelings for Brian a part of her didn't know whether her subconscious simply wanted to get back at Henry and because she didn't know Hallie preventing things from going further. She didn't want to use Brian.
- Henry Yewbeam:
Hallie and Henry were the perfect match, both were adventurous and both had a knack for getting into trouble. Henry was the captain of the Quidditch Team and Hallie soon became the most sought after girl in Gryffindor House, possibly the school. However popularity soon went to Henry's head and he gradually became more and more of an idiot, or 'jackass' as Hallie called him. Their relationship soon began to grow rocky and Henry and Hallie ended up having a blazing row in the Gryffindor common room. That evening Henry stormed out and cheated on Hallie with Steppe Seker, thus tying a knot in the end of Hallie and Henry's relationship. Hallie wasn't shy about ruining his reputation and making it clear that he cheated on her and Henry went off the rails so to speak. He began dating Steppe Seker and became a rude, arrogant human being. So much so all his friends turned against him and it led him into the dark arts. Hallie did still care about him and tried to help, however he simply shot her help down and ever since then Hallie hasn't spoken to him since. Henry Yewbeam is also an enemy.

- The Unknown Werewolf That Bit Her Brother:
Hallie doesn't know who or where the werewolf is, all she knows is that he is to blame for the suffering that her brother underwent, and has gone through, for the past four/five years. Her greatest desire, despite having been a Gryffindor, is to make him feel the emotional pain she felt upon seeing her brother transform into a werewolf.

- Steppe Seker:
During her time at Hogwarts Hallie had the ill-pleasure of coming into contact with Steppe on a few occasions. The two never got on, regardless of the whole Gryffindor/Slytherin rivalry between the houses Hallie didn't like Steppes way of thinking, her actions, her inclination to the dark arts. However it wasn't this alone that made them enemies. Henry Yewbeam. Her boyfriend at the time stormed out of the common room midway through an argument and turned to Steppe for comfort. He cheated on her, thus Hallie believe he felt their relationship was over and so it was broken beyond repair. Henry continued to see Steppe, delved into the dark arts and drugs and Hallie blames Steppe for this, she ruined a person who had potential and Hallie hates the fact she has no self control or morals. You don't sleep with somebodies boyfriend.
- James Darling:
Hallie hadn't met James until the scene in the shrieking shack, albeit she was aware of him and the kind of dark magic and crude torture methods he indulged in. Not only has he now successfully tortured Maura to almost-death once he did it again and if it wasn't for Hallie taking Maura to St Mungo's just in time then her best friend would be gone because of him.
- Alexis D'Eath:
Hallie engaged in a duel with Alexis the night Maura & Tara were tortured. Fortunatley she was able to successfully keep Alexis at bay even when suffering the cruciatus curse. It was because of her vigilance and love that got her through the duel in order to save her friends lives.
- Thaddeus Rookwood:
During her hostage it soon became clear to Hallie that Theodore's Father had paid death eaters to assassinate her, torture her in the process. For that reason alone, for the sake of her leg, Hallie despises him along with the other Rookwoods now. Anything to do with the family she has no emotion but dislike towards them - even his Mother because surely his Mother could have persuaded her husband it isn't the right thing to do simply because of her blood status for which she has no control over.
- Gideon Pierce:
Hallie assumed the role as leader of the order of the phoenix, during which she discovered that Gideon Pierce was behind the marriage law and the reason behind her requiring an amputation and losing her child for neither would have happened had she never been partnered with Theodore. Hallie is against the conservative policies Gideon enforced when playing the role as Minister behind the mask of a forged signature, moreover she is enraged at how he attempted to assassinate Robert Lupin.

Hallie Cooper Tumblr_lj3cskIySr1qzu4o6o1_500

If you have any ideas about a plot that could involve Hallie or you believe that your character should be on the relationships section of the page then feel free to comment below and share your thoughts. [/u]

Last edited by Hallie Cooper on Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:43 pm; edited 8 times in total
Hallie Cooper
Hallie Cooper
Fifth Year Gryffindor
Fifth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 927
Special Abilities : Non-Verbal Magic, Apparation
Occupation : Auror

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Hallie Cooper Empty Re: Hallie Cooper

Post by Katarina Rookwood Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:44 pm

I don't think Kat and Theo and particularily close on the Rookwood family tree but they are still family. If Hallie stops by school and stumbles upon the Rookwoods having tea in his office it would give an opportunity to show there is at least one semi-sane member of the family.

Also, Mira and Hallie should become friends. Pretty blondes who are way too connected with the Rookwoods.

Excuse my spamming of your plot pages, I've just suddenly had some ideas.
Katarina Rookwood

Number of posts : 133

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Hallie Cooper Empty Re: Hallie Cooper

Post by Hallie Cooper Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:06 pm

Haha it's okay keep the spam coming Razz
I'll add Katarina onto the page now and yeah sure, do you want them to develop a friendship or start as friends already? (Mira that as) - Also does Mira have a job? I noticed she is a death eater so she'd have to keep that from Hallie because she's rather anti-death eater given the fact they killed her father.
Hallie Cooper
Hallie Cooper
Fifth Year Gryffindor
Fifth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 927
Special Abilities : Non-Verbal Magic, Apparation
Occupation : Auror

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Hallie Cooper Empty Re: Hallie Cooper

Post by Robin Ivanov Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:09 am

I'd say start as friends but not close? So they have a base but room to develop? Hallie would have only been a year below Mira in school but I'm not sure they would have gotten along then. Mira is eternally unemployed but spends quite a bit of time at the Ministry. Maybe they didn't get along in school but have started to build a tentative friendship since graduation?
Robin Ivanov

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