Moving Us Forward
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Moving Us Forward Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Moving Us Forward

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Moving Us Forward Empty Moving Us Forward

Post by Whight Linstrum Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:39 pm

Whight sat in his study with a mountain of papers and his open journal laying in front of him. Since the death of his mother, Whight had taken it upon himself to keep tabs on the new Deputy Prime Minister. He felt that since his mother, who had gained new responsibility having married a wizard, did everything she could to finish what she and her husband had started, so should the new comer that took her position. His mother had been opened to the wizarding world, therefore, she was trusted and had basically become an Ambassador for the Prime Minister. She was to try and create a way of integration and peace between the two worlds. Whight had a plan that would work to do just that, but his mother was no longer around so he relied on the strength of their cause to make it happen.

These new responsibilities were passed down to another muggle who thought the talk of wizards was nonsense. Whight kept many tabs on the man and the more comfortable he became in his new position, the more he put off what his mother and father started. This angered him almost as much as the day his parents were murdered. It was time to send a message to the people since the man responsible for that action was not taking things seriously.

Whight reviewed his notes one more time. He had everything memorized and he felt he knew the man and his family better than anyone. Studying individuals was his favorite part, and this man had been studied for years. Since he could walk about in any faces at any given time, he could follow someone for hours without them taking notice. He often ware reversible jackets and other colored shirts underneath the one on top.

Aaron had told Whight and Silvyr that it was going to be their jobs to get their cause into full motion while he attended to other important matters. He said he didn't care how things got done as long as they did just that. He trusted them and he knew this would give them both another opportunity to prove themselves further. Whight felt this would be a good opportunity to work with Silvyr; show him the ends and outs of his work. Whight had never worked with anyone. He did everything on his own, this way he knew nothing would go amiss, but Silvyr had proven all of his work which made Whight glad to have him as a partner.

He was thorough with Silvyr but not to the point of making him feel that Whight thought he was a moron. They sat up way into the hours of night discussing their plans and every step they would take in it's execution. They did not let themselves sleep until every step was memorized and well rehearsed. Whight hated that he was going to have to act out of character, but it was for the best. Silvyr had even thrown in ideas that would make things run even smoother; this helped sober Whight's discomfort. He had taken a liking to the man and was almost to the point of considering him a friend, but time would play that out.

Whight reorganized his papers and placed his journal and wand inside his jacket pocket. He left the study to put on the horrid looking muggle clothes. It was time to blend into a world that Whight would never be caught dead in. He pulled the Chelsea jersey over what he already had on and belted loose fitting jeans over his pants. He pulled a cap onto his head and looked himself over in the mirror shifting his features. He felt as stupid as he looked but this was part of what had to be done.

He heard a slight commotion in the next room. It's time, he thought as he knew Silvyr was arriving to the party. Excitement filled Whight's entire body.

"Morning," Whight said acknowledging Silvyr's arrival. "Let us work." And silence was all that was left in the house.


Last edited by Whight Linstrum on Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:43 am; edited 4 times in total
Whight Linstrum
Whight Linstrum

Number of posts : 211
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hit Wizard

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Silvyr Svan Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:30 am

Silvyr awoke suddenly in his room screaming. His face and body were covered in sweat though his wand was drawn and pointed at the door that served as the only entrance to the small room. His apartment stood two stories above ground though that was all for show. His living quarters sat another two stories under ground. Silvyr knew that privacy in his world was of utmost importance.

Aaron's voice still chimed in his mind every now and then, even in his dreams. It made his body queasy with just the thought. He had been with Leah walking through the snowy forest in North Sweden as a young boy having returned home for christmas break. He was running beside Leah when he felt something was wrong. He turned and saw that Aaron had caught Leah and was punishing her for something Silvyr had done. He morphed instantly and shot three stunning spell followed by a killing curse.

Aaron moved Leah directly into the path of his green curse. Silvyr lunges released a scream that shook the dream world he was in. "NO!!!!!!"

The initial probing of his mind wasn't what bothered him anymore. He knew that Aaron now knew everything about him. Nothing was personal as his thoughts were no longer his own. He allowed his arm to drop limply on the bed as he looked over at Leah who was laying next to him. Her ears were erect and she was staring at the spot that Silvyr had been pointing at with his wand. No one deserved to live a life completely controlled by another.

He petted her and whispered in her ear. "It's okay girl. Go back to sleep." Before pushing off the covers and stepping out of bed. He knew there was no going back to sleep after that dream. He moved into his bathroom and began his morning routine.

After a quick shower and taking care of the essentials he exited the bathroom making his way to his closet. He walked into the room that served as a neatly organized area for all of his clothes. He moved past the suits and found his pair of old black Levis. The jeans felt normal and comforting to him while his mind raced. He found a black v neck, a soft chelsea blue colored jacket, and finished putting together the rest of his outfit. He felt comfortable which was all he could ask for on a night like the one he was about to experience. His tucked his wand nicely in the right inside pocket of his jacket.

Silvyr knew that Aaron trusted him now, but Aaron had done nothing to help Silvyr trust him. Of course they both were working towards the same goal but that didn't make him rest any easier at night. Silvyr felt like no more than a pawn for disposal now. He quickly disposed of the thought knowing that it was his insecurity now speaking for his thoughts. He remained calm as he walked up stairs to the first lower level of his apartment which served as his work area. Leah was close at his heels as he jogged up the steps lightly.

He lifted his hand and the lights came on, casting a soft warm glow around the room. He was pleased to see that the notes on his work table were still scattered. He sat down and began working on the spells for Aaron and Whight. They were still in their beginning fazes but he was confident they would be testable soon. He plunged himself into Dumbledore's journal though he knew the contents word for word. The scanning over of his writing brought him comfort. A feeling that made him feel like he wasn't alone in his hours of studying.

He wasn't worried about the time. Whight had asked him to meet him at his apartment before game time and that wasn't for another few hours.


He looked at his watch and saw that it was time to leave. He stood from his notes and stretched. His joints had grown stiff after sitting for so long. Leah walked over to where he was standing lazily and leaned her body against his side.

He knew she didn't like apparition but it was something they couldn't avoid doing on this trip. He picked up a piece of paper he had written on while he was studying, folded it, and put it in his other jacket pocket.

He looked up and found himself in a nice well kept living room, though it looked like no one had sat on the furniture yet. Leah moved about the room sniffing rapidly at the air. He to could detect the different smells in the air, even with his human nose. He began to wonder what she was smelling when he heard a voice come from beside him.

Whight looked like a local in the muggle community, which made him laugh a bit when he got a good look at him. "Well even if I don't recognize your face, I'm sure I'll notice you. You'll be sticking out like a sore thumb." He said smiling while he winked once.

He laughed again as he repeated the words Whight had used moments ago. "Yes, let us work. Don't worry, I'll be dressing when I get to the stadium. I don't own any of the gaudy clothing of the muggle sports team. Shall we head there now or do you wish to change back into a blue suit of choice?" Silvyr couldn't help but poke a little fun at Whight. He may not have looked out of place but his body was making it known for him. He knew that he would get comfortable the closer they got to the stadium. Soon it would be impossible to not blend in.

Silvyr reached into his coat pocket and grabbed the piece of paper he had written Whights spell and intent on. He was waiting excited in anticipation to see his reaction. Silvyr had worked non stop for weeks on the spell. He didn't want to find out it was not what the wizard had in mind.

Silvyr had written Aaron asking for both his and Whights request. If they did not like what he had come up with then they had only themselves to blame. Silvyr caught himself mid thought and spoke to himself. "Guard yourself. Don't show that the intrusion in your mind has left you weak. You have had to endure far worse pain. Control your temper until the mission is over."

Last edited by Silvyr Svan on Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:38 am; edited 1 time in total
Silvyr Svan
Silvyr Svan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 333
Special Abilities : Animagus, Occlumens
Occupation : Spell creation

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Whight Linstrum Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:21 am

No one had poked fun at Whight in very long time. He knew that Silvyr meant no harm with his words and he knew he looked ridiculous in comparison. He put on a aggravated smile and shook his head not giving Silvyr the fight he may have been seeking.

Silvyr reached into his pocket and an instinct to grab the wand that lay in his inner pants pocket struck through Whight, but he resisted and reassured himself that the man was there to work with him, not against him. He opened the piece of paper that was given to him without hesitation. He immediately thought it was some sort of message or further instructions from Aaron, but he was wrong. Instead he found what he instantly knew was a spell. A few weeks ago Aaron had approached him and asked what sort of spell would be beneficial to his work. Whight thought quickly and told Aaron what he had many times thought could be useful while he was on a hit. He knew now that he was holding the product of his requests, but he was still wary. Spell creation was tricky and if not done correctly, death could be the result. He would be careful with the spell at first, but hopefully it would be just what he wanted.

"Thank you," he said folding the paper and lifting his jersey to put it with his journal. Whight already knew when he was going to test the new magic, and this would give him the final indication of whether or not Silvyr was really as worthy as he made himself out to be. He didn't have much doubt, otherwise Aaron would not have recruited him.

With their final words they apparated just outside the stadium. Their game had already started and their search would soon begin. Whight's hunger for the hunt was already being fed.

Whight Linstrum
Whight Linstrum

Number of posts : 211
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hit Wizard

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Silvyr Svan Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:44 pm

Silvyr spoke after Whight had taken meerly a peak and placed the piece of paper in his pocket. "I'm not close to being finished with that spell so don't try to use it yet. I wanted to know your thoughts on the intent. If it is what you were wnating I will proceed. If not then I will have to start over again. I won't be start over twice I promise you." He said in a normal tone yet knowing that his words were filled with agrevassion.

He glanced around the living room one more time before feling Leah's body once again brush his side as she stood next to him.Whight vanished into the spot he was once standing in as Silvyr stood allowing Leah to preapare herself for the jolt that was about to take hold of them both. As was to be expected with apparition, he felt his body being sucked into itself before his legs were met with the feeling of standing on solid ground once again. Leah stood motionless for a few seconds leaning on him before being able to control her own weight.

He looked around to Whight who was standing next to him again who was examining the massive crouds that lead to the stadium. For as far as the eye could see muggles were scattered in the respective colors for their teams. A sea of red, blue, and for reasons beyond SIlvyr green moved through the crowd. Mixing and turning as each footstep was taken.

Friends and neighbors stood side by side along with dad's who were sharing a few generations tradition with their children. Men who were amped up for the game shouted vulgar words at fans who were there to support the opposing team. The rivalry was well known to all who were there to see the game not counting Whight and Silvyr.

Pubs were filled with fans who didn't have a seat at the beautiful stadium still they were refusing not miss out on the festivities. Men and women alike drank and sang in pubs that were packed with fans standing shoulder to shoulder and bar tenders working rapidly as drink orders were being shout at them from all around.

Silvyr spotted a fan memorobillia stand and started to head that way before stopping and taking off his jacket. He pulled out his wand and transformed it into a seeing eye dogs jacket and leash. He then pulled out a pair of sunglasses from his back pocket and put them on. They were dark and made the seeing eye dog bit believeable. He looked up to whight and grinned a bit. "That should take care of that for the day." he said as he admired his work.

Silvyr looked back up and pointed to the stand he had spotted moments ago. He spoke to Whight without making eye contact with him. "I'll need to go by there first. Then we can head in." He pocketed his wand and started moving through the crouds. He was glad to see that the charm he had placed on Leah the night before was working. Fans passed and moved around Leah as if she were nothing more than a normal dog.

He found himself next to the cart after a few short moments. The croud had been moving well together and the flow of everyone else made it easier to walk at a faster pace. While the confusion of fans all around kept the vender busy Silvyr grabbed a jersey and scarf quickly without anyone noticing. He slipped the Jersey on easily over his black shirt and threw the sarf lazily around his neck.

He looked to Whight with a smirk and spoke over the crowd. "Alright, let's go to work. Lead the way." Inside he could feel his brain slip into the normal mode for work. Dead serious, calm, calculating, and ready. Silvyr was a skilled animal when it came to hunting. He never lost his prey and he had never missed a mark. No matter the challenge.

Silvyr had mixed views on being with Whight while working. The company was somewhat stifling though at the same time refreshing. He knew that if Aaron trusted Whight almost as much as he trusted him then he was an expert in his field. He didn't know what that was but he had a feeling he would know soon.

Yet Silvyr took caution to every detail of their orders. He knew that Whight hadn't requested his company just for a play date. If he needed back up then this was going to prove to be a more daunting task than expected. Silvyr had a quick thought that eased his caution a sliver. He knew that they both were as skilled as one could be for their age and experience. Besides, he had Leah at his side, and they were planning on keeping their perfect track record.

Last edited by Silvyr Svan on Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Silvyr Svan
Silvyr Svan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 333
Special Abilities : Animagus, Occlumens
Occupation : Spell creation

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Whight Linstrum Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:57 pm

Fans poured from everywhere. There was no possible way to take a step without having to sift through two or three others; larger individuals walked through looking as if they were shoulder checking everyone in their way. Whight was never one for sports but he knew that his discomfort would soon dissipate once they found their target. This was not going to be a quick job like Whight was known for. No, it was going to take most of the day and if their plans went accordingly their final objective wouldn't be executed until the end of the game anyway.

Whight saw Silvyr head toward one of the venders. He knew exactly what he was doing but he was interested to see how he went about things. When Silvyr made his new approached Whight couldn't help but laugh. He was interested to see what he did with Leah considering the wolf probably wouldn't have been able to gain entrance to the stadium just as a pet. Whight was satisfied with his partners disguise. "Very nice. A blind guy at a sporting event," he said with a laugh. "It's so out of place it will work. No one will even question you, they would be too afraid you may take offense."

"Yes, let's. This is for you," he said handing Silvyr his ticket for the gates. Whight stood momentarily to study the crowd once more. He knew that the Deputy Prime Minister wouldn't be found in the crowds, but he still hoped. When their target was not seen he put on a excited, fans proud face and pushed his way through the people towards the gates. Whight was anxious to get to their seats. He knew it would be just as crowded in the stadium as it was outside but he knew exactly where the target would be sitting once they were inside.

There was a brief weapons pat-down at the entrance. Whight knew that if they found his wand little would be thought of it since it looked like a neatly carved stick. Luckily the security had so many people to search, they barely ran their hands over Whight's waist and legs; Silvyr went through a wider entrance with no pat-down. He guessed they didn't see a blind man as posing much of threat. Whight laughed at his own joke.

He took a stadium map from one of the men passing out free Chelsea apparel and looked it over quickly. He recognized the blueprints; they were exactly like the ones he had studied for the job. Whight knew they had plenty of time so he was in no hurry. He stopped a concession stand, grabbed a bit of food an something to drink, and then continued on his way.

Whight Linstrum
Whight Linstrum

Number of posts : 211
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hit Wizard

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Silvyr Svan Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:30 am

Whight's face was filled with excitement and anticipation as they approached the grand stadium for the muggle football team. Silvyr found keeping up with Whight to be an easy task as the crowd moved out of his way. He wondered to himself why Whight didn't let him lead. He suddenly found the thought amusing in it's own nature.

He pictured it himself. A blind man leading his friend through the crowd. He was surprised no one had asked him why he had wanted to come to the game at all being that he couldn't watch the game. Though he was sure that there was a blind muggle who loved the sport as much as any of the others going to the game.

The walk down the bustling streets was relaxing to him. No matter where he looked he noticed that people were more self involved than ever. No one paid attention to the other fans for reasons of their own. Some were restless to watch the game, others trying diligently to stay with their group of friends, and most just wrapped up in small talk as they walked mindlessly to the stadium.

They crossed a blocked off street and made their way into a large open area of wide side walks that lead to the stadium. The buzz in the air grew slightly higher and higher as they moved closer and closer to the stadium. Whight continued his excitement as well. looking back to Silvyr or waving a hand in front of his face. SIlvyr took note to make life a little harder for Whight if he ever pretended to be blind.

As the gates came into view Silvyr watched a man begin making his way over to him through the crowd. He was wearing a full black uniform which he recognized easily as someone that the muggles considered authority. The man walked up and caressed Silvyr's right arm gently as he spoke instructions of where to go. He walked Silvyr to a larger opening, away from Whight, where another police officer stood guarding the entrance. He addressed Silvyr again and asked for his ticket which he showed obediently to the man's request. The police officer spoke while looking the ticket. "Wow, great seat. You shouldn't have a problem enjoying yourself." Silvyr responded instinctively. "What can I say. Chelsea's colors run through my veins." Th officer looked as if he was going to speak again, possibly on the fact that he was wearing blue and his blood his red, but caught himself before offending Silvyr and his lack of sight. The man gave him directions to his section and told him that he would find assistance when he arrived there. Silvyr thanked him and made his way into the stadium knowing that it would be game time soon. He couldn't come to the game and not take interest in the game without someone taking interest in him.

He made his way into an elevator with a few other people. He asked them to press the button to take him to the box seats and waited patiently for his turn to exit. When the door opened Leah began walking bringing Silvyr along with her. He had only taken a few steps when a woman asked for his ticket with a snippy attitude before noticing his condition. Her tone changed instantly as she forced small talk with him like a child. She lead him to the nice room where he and Whight would be watching the game and waiting for the time to strike.

He thanked the woman as she exited the room closing the door behind herself. He began looking around the stadium at the masses of people filing in to watch the game. He couldn't help but think to himself about the time muggles wasted continuously. It brought a thought to his mind, "Do they ever do anything worth while?"

The pitch was in beautiful form. The perfect green grass was cut to a perfect length and mowed precisely. He noticed the incredible amount of time and detail that had been put into the care of it.

He heard the door open and Leah stood reacting through instinct to protect his back. Silvyr had kept his hand on his wand since he entered the room, so he did not fear the inability to move his head to see who had entered. Though he soon recognized Whight's scent in the air. He turned around to greet him but couldn't help noticing the food in his hand. "Really?" He said. It was the only word he could think of at the moment though he wanted to go on.
Silvyr Svan
Silvyr Svan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 333
Special Abilities : Animagus, Occlumens
Occupation : Spell creation

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Whight Linstrum Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:15 am

Whight was never one for the "normal" life, he was more interested in the hidden secrets of the world and what slept in the shadows of which he dwelt. He often thought of how his life would be different if his parents were still alive. He was almost positive that he wouldn't be killing people for a living, but then again, there was a reason for everything. Still, he wished his parents were around. He wondered how different the world may be and if their dreams would have come true. Whight was not about to let their ideas die along with them. He felt that the responsibility fell on to him and he rightfully took them.

After Whight paid the man for the food and drink and now that he felt he fully fit in, he looked for the cleaning closet. He strolling past the doors that concealed his and Silvyr's box seats when he caught a glimpse of a man pushing a carted trashcan along with other bits of cleaning supplies. He knew the man would lead him to a nearby closet that would play a crucial role in their final steps. The old man moved slowly which made the follow easy. He watched as the man stopped here and there to pick up a bit of garbage off the ground or to mop up a dropped drink. No one even seemed to notice the man at all as he contently worked. He looked neither excited or bothered by the fact of what was going on around him. Whight waited as the custodian made his way to a random door in the middle of the wall. He pulled out his ring of keys and grabbed the door's key without delay. He vanished into the room and reappeared with refreshed supplies. Whight smiled as he watched him lock the door back. That shouldn't be difficult, locks rarely serve any problem in this world, he though.

Satisfied with what he had found, Whight made his way through the crowds to join Silvyr in the box seats. He was stopped by a woman who rudely requested to see his ticket. Whight worked to gain her likings. "Will you be joining us to watch the game?" he asked. When she shook her head he continued with his flirt, "What a shame." He took his ticket back and pressed through the doors.

The room was warm and even though he never enjoyed sports, the view was still impressive. Whight now knew that muggles put as much time and effort in this futball sport as the wizards had put into Quidditch. Silvyr was the only one in the room which was relaxing. Whight laughed when a comment was made about the items in his hands. "I have not eaten today and this is not a job you want to be distracted on," he said with a smile. He sat down next to his partner in crime and further studied the field. It was only a matter of time now before the Deputy Prime Minister took his seat in his personal box not far to their right.

The teams were below them warming up and Whight so no fun in what they were doing. There's nothing even hard or complex about this sport when in comparison to what wizards do for fun, he thought. Whight pulled out his journal after having finished his food. He scrolled through a muggle sports book that he had copied years ago. He found that Futball was the number one played sport in the muggle world. The pages went on with a brief history and list of rules that Whight found exceedingly boring. He did not continue reading the book after he finished that chapter. Instead, he went on to read an old text book based on magic beast.
Whight Linstrum
Whight Linstrum

Number of posts : 211
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hit Wizard

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Silvyr Svan Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:59 am

SIlvyr moved his feet slightly as Whight addressed him found a seat next to him. Silvyr nodded, agreeing with WHight's thoughts on food but didn't speak on the matter. He kept his eyes on the field and people who were filling the stadium more and more with each second.

His thoughts soon moved to the spells he was working on.


When Silvyr's mind came back to the world he was sitting in he looked up to the score board to find that the game was already in it's second half. The home team was leading one nill though Silvyr continued to find little interest in the game. He took more notice to the grass than the game being played on it.

Large divots and harsh chucks had been taken out of the field. He understood that the muggles must have been playing brutally with their bodies for the grass to show the story they were writing.

Suddenly the crowd erupted into cheering from many of the visitor fans. It seemed that the team in red had scored for three members stood in a corner celebrating in weird ways. The score though was tied and Silvyr knew that the game would continue to give them the cover they would need to get close they would need.

He tapped Whight's knee, who was was still seated next to him, getting his attention. He spoke as he stood and moved towards the door where Leah was laying down. "Shall we go and pay a visit to the guest of honor?"

He picked up the leash that was still connected to Leah's seeing eye dog vest. He knew that it would take a cruel man to refuse to speak with a blind man who supported the same team as he. He opened the door and moved through easily allowing Leah to pass through before him.

He noticed the woman who had asked for his ticket come up to him and see if she could do anything to help his experience. He kindly refused though stating his reason for exiting his box. SIlvyr, even not being blind, never had the chance to mingle as a normal person. So he knew that the next half hour would be fun indeed leading up to the reason he was there.

He walked down the hall, with Whight at his side, and approached the door three down from theirs. He opened it only to be met by a security guard's hand on his chest. Making sure that he didn't take a step inside. Though his expression only changed slightly when he noticed Silvyr's condition. He asked them if they were lost.

Silvyr spoke with a large smile on his face and speaking loudly to the man standing but a pace in front of him. "No no sir we're not lost. I'm sure you can imagine that I don't get out much to socialize and I consider any fans of Chelsea to be friends of mine."

The security guard began to turn them down when a voice spoke up behind him. "What's going on Richard?" Silvyr's smile hadn't vanished when the man became visible sitting in a chair towards the front of the box. His eye's passed from Leah first up to SIlvyr. The man spoke again louder and with more joy this time. "Richard let our guests in. This man is right! Any fan of Chelsea in their home is a friend of ours."

Silvyr walked through the door and moved passed him slightly before having to take a step back and stuck his hand out. The man found it and shook, being polite and not looking in his eyes. Silvyr spoke while shaking his hand. "As I was telling the man at the door, I don't get out much at home and I love socializing. Some would call it my curse." He said making a joke about his lack of sight.

The man grinned while speaking, "That is not a bad curse to have my friend. Please come in and make yourselves at home. My family would be happy to meet you. They just went for food and beverages." As he lead Silvyr to a chair at the mini bar area.
Silvyr Svan
Silvyr Svan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 333
Special Abilities : Animagus, Occlumens
Occupation : Spell creation

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Whight Linstrum Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:46 am

Whight knew what time it was before Silvyr made his notion. He acted as if Silvyr had never laid a finger on him by not looking up from his journal. He took a deep breath. It was time to play.

He closed his journal and rose from his seat taking his place beside Silvyr. It was the man's turn to lead due to the fact that he was more likely to gain access to other places with his "disability." This part of the plan was to play off everyone's pity for the man. You didn't simply push off an out going blind man whose only ambition was to socialize with others. This part of the plan was Silvyr's idea and Whight loved how well it was working.

Whight was ready to pull his wand on the man the laid a hand on Silvyr. He knew there would be precautions that they had to work through but he didn't expect physical contact so abruptly. The man let Silvyr pass but he gave a stopping look to Whight. "I'm his caretaker. Where he goes I go. Do you really want to be the reason this man's day is ruined," he said laying some guilty on the guards shoulders. "He hasn't been out of the house in two months." At that, he stepped aside and let Whight through.

"Be pleased Mr. Clark. We are in the present of the Deputy Prime Minster. Pleased to meet you sir. Samuel Grant," he said extending a hand. "Quiet the game isn't it," hoping to engage smalltalk and comfort levels. He eye the two guards that stood in the back of the room watching there every move; they were weak, Whight could sense it. The man's response to Whight was interrupted by the entrance of his wife and two children. The children ran to the glass windows to be enveloped but the excitement of the game. The wife was calm with hands full of snacks and drinks. She eyed Silvyr and Whight and her husband gave a brief introduction and refocused on the game.

They sat in the box conversing high points of the game and all argued that the same team would undoubtedly win. Whight studied the guards and noticed that they were now as into the game as everyone else in the room was. They weren't cheering or acting out but they were no longer paying attention to Whight and Silvyr. The game was at a tie and the time was winding down. No one in the room was standing as everyone but Whight and Silvyr watched an attempt for one more goal take place on the field.

At the sound of the first whistle to end the game, it was time to work.
Whight Linstrum
Whight Linstrum

Number of posts : 211
Special Abilities : Metamorphmagus
Occupation : Hit Wizard

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Moving Us Forward Empty Re: Moving Us Forward

Post by Silvyr Svan Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:05 am

SIlvyr allowed Whight to continue the conversation with the man when he had taken his seat. Silvyr made sure to express how much he enjoyed the company and stayed aware of the conversation. He wasn't going lose sight of their plan this far into the game.

A woman followed by two young children, each younger than ten, entered the room. The woman's arms were filled with drinks and snacks though that didn't seem to bother her. She scanned SIlvyr and Leah of being a possible threat until her husband's voice caught her attention as he explained the reason for them being there. She set everything down and introduced herself.

Silvyr took the opportunity to speak with the children about sports and school life while they moved about the room without care. He never broke his character while feelings welled up inside of him. He wished nothing more than to express how lucky they should feel to not be homeless and on the street like he had seen so many other children throughout his years of roaming europe and the wilderness.

The game began to come to it's final moments as the family watched in anticipation while a player shot at a goal though missed because of the keepers efforts. He spoke to Whight as the players lined up for a goal kick. "Can you help me with a drink." He said loudly enough to be heard by all.

Whight got up obediently and moved towards the bar. Silvyr turned and looked directly at one of the guards locking eye contact through his sunglasses. The man looked shocked and took a double take though Silvyr had gone back to his normal head posture.

Silvyr pulled out his wand and silenced his voice with a simple spell to his throat. He turned on his heels facing towards the guards and shouted two inaudible spells towards the men rendering them both bound and unconscious. Their minds were weaker than their bodies Silvyr took note of as he muddered inaudibly again, "Muggles." The crowd roared in excitement as the home team scored a winning goal though SIlvyr paid no mind.

As he had taken care of the guards Whight had taken care of the family members as they lay unconscious in their seats. Silvyr moved over and grabbed the Prime Minister. He threw him over his shoulder and began walking slowly with his weight baring down on his legs. He kept his wand drawn while he exited the room with Whight Leading the way. The woman who had spoken to him earlier was no where to be seen thankfully and he followed Whight into a janitors closet only a few paces down on the right.

They closed the door and he passed the man to Whight, before putting his hand on Leahs head and Apparating.
Silvyr Svan
Silvyr Svan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 333
Special Abilities : Animagus, Occlumens
Occupation : Spell creation

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