Rock Bottom
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Rock Bottom Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Rock Bottom

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Rock Bottom Empty Rock Bottom

Post by Dory Le Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:13 pm

Elliot was thrown from the building, landing on the pavement and feeling blood dripping from his head, gaving just lost all of his money and been unable to pay the bookies who had found him there. A boot connected with his cheek and he was flung over, spitting blood over the sidewalk. He felt someone taking off his shoes- apparently that's how they would get their money from now.

"Pathetic," someone spat at him, and he rolled over, trying to sit up. The bookie shrieked with laughter. "Are you trying to fight me? Trying to stand up, you worm? What can you hope to have against me? I'm a Death Eater-" the man was obviously drunk and felt free to yell his allegiances, yet at 3 o'clock in the morning, he did not seem to worried. Elliot had known this, for the building seemed to be a Death Eater hang out, or a place where dark wizards consorted. "You can never hope to best me, so I know you must not be trying.."

Elliot had kept the secret that he was a part of the Order well, mostly because he had not been to an Order meeting in months. He had been gambling, consorting in the deep crevices of the wizarding world, where you were privy to the attacks of the scum and leeches of the bottom of wizarding kind. He needed to rise above, his addiction had lost him everything, but he knew he was getting closer.

"I am, and I will-" Elliot said in a soft voice. The man laughed and brought back his foot, kicking Elliot over, cracking his skull. But Elliot flipped over and raised his wand. "The Order will prevail." The man's eyes widened, never having guessed he had let a member of the Order of the Phoenix borrow money to gamble. He opened his mouth but Elliot never heard his words. "Bombarda."

The man shrieked and was thrown back against the wall, spinning and his stomach caught on the iron gate running along the sidewalk. There was a splatter of blood and then a sickening crunch as his body was pushed into the stones of the building. He slid down, dead, and blood seeped from his wounds. Elliot turned and tried to prop himself up, falling again and banging his chin on the curb.
Dory Le
Dory Le
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 189

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Ne'Os Emof Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:59 pm

Ne'Os had been at the building overseeing some of the more lesser operations the death eaters had a hand in when he heard some shouting naturally he ignored it figuring it was 3 in the morning and he knew some of the people took to drinking at about that hour. He was reading a poorly written report on the month's financials when he heard someone shout something and then a loud bang followed he went to a window and looked out seeing a man trying to move but fall onto the curb.

Sighing he drew his wand and walked down the stairs he couldn't help but notice the other death eaters in the building had seemed to not notice anything happen no doubt they had also been drinking and were to drunk to care. Ne'Os walked outside wand in hand he slowly walked in front of the man who appeared to have a bad day though it appeared not as bad as the death eater who had now become part of the building.

"Hey mate care to explain why you are bloodying up my street?" he asked hearing sirens in the background no doubt a muggle had heard a bang and panicked. He was prepared for anything but he would at least act with some civility maybe it would throw the man off a bit. He couldn't help but smile to himself slightly at the thought of how dreadful his day was before and how now it appeared it wouldn't be wasted after all.

Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 5547
Special Abilities : Wandless magic, Invisibility

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Dory Le Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:32 am

He heard a voice somewhere behind and above him and he realized that this was really not the time that he wanted to show his lack of conversational skills. He also realized that he was probably in trouble here, seeing as the building the man must have come out of was behind the one Elliot had been in, so he could have seen the scene inside- he would have heard that Elliot owed a lot of people a lot of money, that he was broke, and he had no one that could cover his debts. In short, this man could view Elliot as a very easy target. Elliot considered the probability that this man was a Death Eater.

Through the roof.

Elliot rolled over, leaning his head forward and craning to try and view the man standing above him, but blood was obscuring his view. The world and his vision was unfocused and blurry, like a camera lens set on the wrong setting, trying to focus and refocus but coming up short at every point. He opened his mouth up, letting a small groan escape his lips.

"Can I explain why I would be hated by a bookie who I owe quite a large sum of money that I have no possible way to return or why a Death Eater would hate someone associated with everything they stood for? Take your pick, sir," he said in his quiet tone. "Either way, I'm pretty much screwed, aren't I?"
Dory Le
Dory Le
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Ne'Os Emof Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:09 am

Ne'Os chuckled slowly as he crouched down so the man could see him "your funds arn't your worry anymore now that it has been made aware to me your a order member" he said he reached inside his robes and made sure a silver dagger was available to him he wouldn't kill the poor man with it but it always felt good to have it just encase he felt the need to remind the wizardry world of the mass murdering spree he went on before his death.

"But i'm in a good mood maybe i feel that i should heal your wounds and send you on your way" he said he was planning his next action very carefully he knew it would be dangerous to kill someone so close to a death eater hideout in case the ministry or the order decided to search the nearby buildings. As he took his arm back out of his robes he found a small vial he knew it contained a potion that would help heal this man or at least make him feel good enough to walk a few blocks away it would at least give Ne'Os the comfort of knowing the building and the fools inside wouldn't be caught just yet besides he liked to play with his prey before he killed it.

He placed the vial next to the man "Drink this it will help." Standing back up he placed his wand back in his robes he walked over to examine the body in the wall poking it slightly the body simply fell out taking his wand back out he transfigured it into a can throwing the can into a nearby trash can he would hope the muggle garbage truck would collect the trash before the spell wore off.

looking at all of the blood in the he simple shook his head he knew it would remain he saw a police car pull up he walked over to the two officers that had gotten out they clearly didn't see the injured man he aimed his wand at one and said "imperio" he directed the officer back into the passenger seat and forget what had happened he repeated the process with the second officer but to have him get into the driver side report that everything was fine and then forget what had happened and drive off. Watching the patrol car drive away he then acted like he was going back into the building as he passed out of what he felt was the man's line of vision he turned invisible. Ne'Os's plan was to follow the man to a reasonable distance from the building and then attempt to kill the man.

((i do have invisibility i don't remember applying for it but it is listed as something i can do Very Happy))
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 5547
Special Abilities : Wandless magic, Invisibility

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Dory Le Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:39 am

Elliot cursed himself, though the real problem really lie in his wounds, especially the injuries on his head because they were affecting the way he thought and worked. He was currently telling his arms to reach down and push himself up a little, just enough so that the pebbles and broken glass on the ground would be less painful on him, but they did not seem to be responding to any of his thoughts, just like his legs which flat out refused to get up and leave.

The man handed him a vial but even though his brain was not in control of his limbs did not mean he could not think. This man had just stated that he was an enemy, because he seemed incredibly interested in the fact that he was a member of the Order. The way he pointed it out as his number one concern told Elliot he was a Death Eater and therefore untrustworthy.

He took the vial in one hand and cradled it to his chest, listening. He heard the man walking away and as he did he slowly moved his hand back to the vial, his fingers pinching the cork, pulling the cork out with a pop noise. He tilted the vial and the liquid trickled out of the vial and poured out into the gutter, running down the gutter and down the drain.

He knew he had to get out of there and fast, before the man returned or brought more of his friends. He rested his elbows on the pavement and then pushed himself up. He stumbled down to his knows and wobbled awkwardly, resting his hands on the gritty ground to wait out the nauseous spinning of the world, induced by the wounds.

He stood and began stumbling down the street, blood trickling down his head. He continued walking, shuffling along until he turned the corner and that's when it hit him. He fell against a building, his shoulder pressed against it as his eyes closed hopelessly and his head tilted back, realizing just how bad things had gotten... The bookies had shaken him up and he had just realized the thing they took that he could no longer feel in his pocket, something more important that money..

They had taken his wand...
Dory Le
Dory Le
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 189

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Ne'Os Emof Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:04 am

Ne'Os held back a sigh as he saw the man pour the potion into the gutter but he was surprised the man had gotten up and started to walk away. He silently followed him for a bit making sure to remember to clean up the blood after this ordeal was done. He wondered if this man still had his wand on him he didn't know how strong this man was magically and felt maybe he should send a patronus to gather the other death eaters in the building he had just left but decided this would only show weakness.

He followed the man until he saw him slump against the wall of a building he felt this was far enough away it wouldn't risk compromising the location of the death eater stronghold in this area. He silently walked in front of the man he seemed distracted not yet becoming visible he drew his wand. "It appears that you didn't take my offer and now you will have a harder time defending yourself" he said slowly becoming visible as he finished talking his wand pointed directly at the man's head "But where are my manners let me introduce myself. I am Ne'Os Emof and you are?" he asked sounding like he had just met this man in a normal circumstance. He of course didn't care who this man was he was just curious if his name held any significance in the wizarding world.
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 5547
Special Abilities : Wandless magic, Invisibility

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Dory Le Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:42 am

Elliot felt his breath becoming more labored as the damage to his head, and probably brain, really began to take toll. He tried to move again, but he just jerked along the wall, ripping the shoulder of his blazer against the bricks of the building. He blinked rapidly, not udnerstanding why his vision was spotting until he realized blood was trickling over his eyes now. He raised his arm and rested his forearm against the wound, letting the blood soak into the arm of his blazer, drying it against his own skin but clearing his vision as best as he could for now.

When he managed to tip his head back forward, his chin painfully jarred against his chest where it fell, making a thud. He heard the man's voice again and he tipped his head back, the back of his head resting against his shoulders, his longish shaggy hair reaching his shoulders as he tilted his head back to try and look at the man, to see a wand pointed in his face.

"Pleasant to meet you. Elliot Cartwright. Are we playing a game here? Seems so to me.. I'm not a fan of games. I like directness."
Dory Le
Dory Le
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 189

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Ne'Os Emof Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:07 am

Ne'Os smiled at the man's response this of course was very fake it turned into a frown of anger "Fine we won't play games and i will make this very direct." he said simply "You my friend are going to experience something you probably never have before and that is torture but not the normal kind you see most of my colleagues will just torture you to death i feel that that isnt very fun so i shall grant you a gift I will heal you to the best of my capabilities. Then i shall torture you passed the point of insanity and then I will make you forget the torture oh the pain will still linger but you wont know why which in its own will be maddening." he said and then thinknig that over and feeling that it would be to much work he changed his mind

"Actually... i wont do that instead ill just kill you but first i want you to know something. Before my death i took a item of significant value to me with it i took a piece of my soul and infused it into the object this is called a horcrux. Now something i want you to know is that a horcrux is a sin to nature it is the only piece of magic that has the capabilities to bring someone back from the dead this magic is something only extremely dark and extremely powerful dark wizards can do. And i tell you this so you know that there may have been something that would save you from what is about to happen" he said smiling entertained by himself or so it seemed he was giving the man a final chance to react before Ne'Os sent a killing curse at him.
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 5547
Special Abilities : Wandless magic, Invisibility

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Dory Le Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:26 am

Elliot blinked at the man's response. What.. Was this man simply stupid? He could nnot understand why a man would speak such obvious words, because everyone knew what the Death Eaters were and, while his idea was not exactly appealing, it seemed to accomplish absolutely nothing and it was not exactly original genuis. There was nothing novel or brilliant about the man's proposition, just tedious and inappealing. Elliot could not stop thinking about how idiotic the man seemed though.

He changed tactics and Elliot could not stop himself from thinking, so that tedious and unoriginal discription of a traditional Death Eater idea was all unnecessary. My good sir, you are great at torture in that you are boring and have an incredible knack for being able to waste my time. That is a minute of my life I wish I could reclaim.

The upsetting thing was that Elliot did not mind death. He felt dead- hollowed by pain, and fearful of the future, unable to feel anything good. This new proposition was almsot relieving. The man began speaking in his tedious manner again and Elliot soon realized he was, once again, wasting Elliot's time with a pointless speech that had no relation to him.

"As intriguing as that is, I find it INCREDIBLY unnecessary. There is no reason for me to know that, since I can not change the past, neither would I stoop to your level. Furthemore, it sounds as though you simply like to parade around, proclaiming your triumphs over goodness, but you do so in such a pretentious and unconvincing manner that you have led me to believe that the stereotype that Death Eaters are universally stupid is true. Though you are a remarkable specimen indeed."

He nodded. "And I am wandless and unafraid of death as you are. Bring it on."
Dory Le
Dory Le
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 189

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Rock Bottom Empty Re: Rock Bottom

Post by Ne'Os Emof Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:41 am

Ne'Os smiled again this time it was real "then here is a triumph over evil i killed Voldemort, created a amazing robe that stopped most spells from harming me and have triumphed over death not once but twice for being a former vampire and for coming back from the dead. But as you say you are wandless that i agree about but unafraid of death i disagree you have not truly faced death at the level i have let me tell you i was exactly the same i didn't fear death i believed myself invincible and i suppose at a level i was..but it wasn't a level that stopped me from meeting death face to face when your soul reaches him you will know true fear and it will feel like nothing you have experienced in this existence." he said he paused for a minute as he gazed to the side lost in a memory that clearly horrified him.

Looking back at Elliot he said in a almost sad voice "Farewell Elliot Cartwright member of the order of the phoenix, Avada Kedavra" he said his face lighting up as the jet of green light left his wand his face showing a mixture of emotions that would strike one if they knew how to read emotions in one face as one that appreciated the art of death, as if he spent most of his life doing this.

((ill post once more if you choose this as the moment of death.))
Ne'Os Emof
Ne'Os Emof
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 5547
Special Abilities : Wandless magic, Invisibility

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