Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Thingamobab Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.


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Thingamobab Empty Thingamobab

Post by Aurora Nye Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:18 am

Warning. those who have never asked or answered a random question in their life might have a hard time understanding "big words" such as, Chocolate, cookies, honeysuckle, Wildcats, Dinosaurs and of course, Peanuts. Viewer discretion is advised.

*Adiance applauds as lights go dim and black curtain rises slowly showing two girls and a Tv*

Aurora: Yeah its me Aurora. and we are here today to br---

Sally: Eh hem

Aurora: Oh sorry this is sally and we are here to bring you, thingamobab: The guide to answering any random question.

*Background changes from plain green to a baby sucking on his thumb.*

"These messages are brought to you by apple juice, The greatest juice for babies."

*The curtain comes back up showing Sally and Aurora.*

Sally: ... Aurora... Did you do that?
Aurora:No I thought you decided on the baby and apple juice.
Sally: *sighs* No that was your choice..
Aurora: *rolls eyes* Anyway.. Our first question is... Do you want to read it?

*Sally scans the question*

Sally: Um.. I think not
Aurora:*laughs* Alright I will. Ahem *clears throat* This is from a viewer that is particuly not very smart
Sally: *sighs* go on with it Aurora
Aurora: *laughs* Alright alright. The question is:
Dear Aurora and Sally,
what is the point of this show?
Sally: *rolls eyes* What a moronic question, here is my answer. Its so people like you can ask us people stupid questions so we can give you a stupid answer.
Aurora: SALLY! Be nice! She usually isnt so mean. *glares at Sally*
Sally: Lets take a break
Aurora: Fine whatever. We will be back to you after these short messages.

*messages pop up on board*

"chicken. Good for your health"
"cookies. good for chicken."
"Ketchup. good for you!"

*messages end and Aurora and Sally are back*

Aurora: Nice message
Aurora:What? Would you rather have the apple juice and baby?
Sally:Um actaully yes I would...
Aurora: Whatever, I like this one better
Sally: Lets continue, This next question is from my brother
Hey sis,
Dont you have a life?
Aurora: *shakes her head* No she does not
Sally: *glares at Aurora and her brother* I DO TOO
Aurora: Then why do you manage your own site and have several characters?
Sally:*sighs* You have several characters too you know
Aurora: Oh yeah
Aurora: Anyway, Moving on. Lets take a look at the TV to see some shout outs

*Camra is turned to tv to see pictures*
*all lights go out and the tv is turned on to show pictures of oranges... Lights come back on and Camra is back on Sally and Aurora*

Sally: Alright I know that was your idea, I thought we agreed on not doing that?
Aurora: Well, I had my fingers crossed so the agreement is off

*Off to comercials so Sally can strangle Aurora*

"Have you ever wonder what the future holds?
How about the future baby?
What about the future you?
Now with our new invention,
You can see what you will look like Twenty years from now
With the famous Age Fixer
Be sure to get yours now!
all products may not work effiencitly"

*Curtains comes up showing Sally as she finishes cursing out Aurora*


*Sally hides behind the chair*

Aurora: get out of there sally. Its time for the next question i mean come on i thought we wer supposed to be hav--

*the black curtain falls ontop of aurora*


*Sally walks over and pulls the curtain up with the curtain handle*

Sally: Relax Aurora, the handle just fell

*Sally sits in her chair*

Aurora: Psh, good friend you are... Just kidding *eyes widen as Sally glares evily at her*
Sally: Yeah sure you are
Aurora:... Anyway. Is there any more questions?
Sally: Should be, go look

*Aurora goes off to find questions*

*Comericals come on once more*

"Do you like Peanut butter?
Well dont!
Its all sticky and stuff and its... its...

*Lights go on to Sally and Aurora is not back yet*

Sally:Next time, I pick the comericals

*aurora comes back*

Aurora: No sally next time I get to.
Sally: So did you find any questions?
Aurora: Yes.. I did.
Sally:Ok so are you going to read the next one.
Aurora: What no you are i dont like reading it makes my poor little baby blues hurt.

*sally snatches the cards from aurora and searches for a good question*

Sally: Ok so the next question is:
Dear Aurora,
Im like very confused
If Barbie is so popular,
why do you need to
buy her friends?

Aurora: Thats a good question. If barbie is so popular you buy her friends to be jelous of her popularity. Like sally over here. she is my friend to be jelous of how popular i am.
Sally: Aurora be quiet im more popular than you
Aurora: I was only kidding gosh!
Aurora: Really!
Sally: Next question
Dear Sally,
Why does some pop taste like some
one stuck their toes in it?
Aurora: Have fun answering that one
Sally: *rolls eyes* This is a very dumb question, I think Ill throw it out

*Sally throws card behind her*

Aurora: Your not suppose to do that Sal
Sally: Like I care, Its my sh..
Aurora: You mean OUR show
Sally: Surreee You keep thinking that

*Sally pets Aurora's head*

Sally: Well It looks like its time to go, So see Ya'll next time. Hopefully
Aurora: Dont forget to say it Sally
Sally: Ugh fine
Both: This is Thing-A-Mo-Bab
Sally: There I said it...
Aurora: Bye everyone!

*Curtains closes and theme music is played*

((keith inspired us to do this btw Very Happy so all credits for this idea goes to me and sally and keith mostly))
Aurora Nye
Aurora Nye
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 2250
Special Abilities : Seer

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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Sally Ruby Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:24 am


Warning: Those who have never watch this show might not take all side effects clearly. If you have side effects of, Chicken, roast beaf, Spaghetti, and the most dangerous, Apple sauce, Call the doctor immedaitely.

*black curtains rise showing two girls*
Background Speaker: and now time for Thingamobab with the star of the show AURORA!! and of course sally but lets not get into that

Aurora: Hello we are back with another day of Thingamobab. Now I have noticed that we havent had much people watching our show so we are going to make it interesting.
Sally: Yes aurora we are. We are going to have a show showdown with shipper on deck as soon as we get popular. The th--
Aurora: The thing is we need popular fast and i know all yalls are fans of me so of course you would want us to win.

*croud laughs*

Sally:.... You want me to hurt you dont you?
Aurora: Dont worry everyone, she is just jealous of my AWESOMENESS!
Sally:... You migt die tonight...
Aurora: *gasps* You SOOO mean tonight Sal.

*Sally gets up and walks away*

Aurora: She'll be back. Anyway where was we? Is it comercial time?

Wierd background voice: Oh she will be back.. Comercial time!

*curtain falls as it goes to comercial*
holy bloody hell
they are scary!
he calls you a hoe
a boring house

Random screaming voice: NOW BACK TO THE SHOW!!

*curtain goes up and Sally still isnt back*


*Sally comes running back onto the stage looking for cookies.*

Aurora: Nope, You dont get cookies yet you were bad

*Sally sits in her chair and mopes*

Sally: No fair
Aurora: Well you should have been good
Sally: Lets get on with the show *rolls eyes*
Aurora: Now on to serious bussiness

*All lights are dim and a bright light Is shown over top of Aurora because Sally is refusing to speak*

Aurora: Now, We need fans people! Fans I tell you! That way we *pauses*

*Aurora pulls Sally into the light*

Aurora: That way WE can have a little *laughs evily* contest against Shipper On Deck.

*Creepy music is being play*


*Lights come on and the music is turned off*

aurora: Ok so now.. Whats our first question sally? Oh wait i got the questions
Sally: Duh!
Aurora: The question is:
Dear sally,
why arent you as cool and funny as aurora?
Aurora's fan,

*Sally snatches paper and rips it to pieces*

Sally: And that was my answer, OH Ps. I am cooler then Aur, you just dont see that.
Sally: You wanna bet! Ill make my own
Aurora: You just go ahead and do that

*Sally has called for comerical break so she can make her cookies*

*Curtains are lowered and comericals come on*

*I hate you,
You hate me,
We all killed

*Curtains are raised and Sally apears with big plate of cookies*

Aurora: Your going to share those you know that right?
Sally: Um... No
Aurora: Fine then.

*aurora gets to eat pizza after the show and some tacos and everything else a person could ever want to eat in a days work*

Aurora: Ok so the next question is,
Dear sally,
Why did you lie to us?
I mean aurora is alot better
than you are.
aurora's biggest fan

Sally: Stop it wit--
Aurora with questions about your personal problems?

*crowd cheers*

Aurora: Alright lets see since Sally wont answer it I will!

*Sally groans*

Aurora: Thank you Lana, I know Im better. And yes Sally is a HUGE liar we kn- OW

*Sally has just punched Aurora in the arm*

Aurora: Bloody Hell Sally! What was that for!!??
Sally: For not shutting your-------

*screen goes blank*

Random voice: this show will come back up as soon as sally is done cursing.

*2 minutes later*

Random voice: This show is up and running again. Thank you for your patience.

*show comes back on*

Aurora: Wow sally thats not good language for someone who is on television.

*crowd boo's at sally"

Sally: So what? Wheres Prison? I need to calm down

*Sally walks off stage in search of Prison Lycon*

*Curtains are lowered*

*Backvoice- We really need to stop with all the breaks*

*Screen goes blank*

*2 minutes*

*Curtains are raised showing Sally and Aurora*

Aurora: So how was finding Prison?
Sally:... Can we end this now?
Aurora: Yup, Thank you for watching

Both: Thing-A-Mo-Bab!
Sally Ruby
Sally Ruby

Number of posts : 406

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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Aurora Nye Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:26 am

nice ending on yours sally lol even though its mostly me (jk jk)
Aurora Nye
Aurora Nye
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 2250
Special Abilities : Seer

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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Guest Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:35 pm

Oh hush up lolz we dont seem very popular haah xD

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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Jess Potter Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:15 am

Haha, very funny girls, I think you just need to promote it more, try and get people's attention a little more for it, I'm sure it'll take off soon.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 14221
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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Guest Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:54 pm

Thanks Jess Very Happy We are going to try a different appoarch I think. Im not sure if I have to run it by you or not but I got to think of it first of course

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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Jess Potter Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:39 pm

Well if it's massive maybe gimme a PM, but i don't mind, you can do what you like with it.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 14221
Special Abilities : Wandless Magic, Seer, Flying, Legilimens

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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Guest Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:57 pm


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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:41 am

It might do with less commercials... I haaaate commercials...
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
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Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's

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Thingamobab Empty Re: Thingamobab

Post by Guest Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:51 am

Sorry Khaat... We can do less comericals I guess

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