Shopping for some stuff
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Shopping for some stuff Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Shopping for some stuff

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Shopping for some stuff

Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:38 pm

It was mid day as Andrew made his way towards the crowded street of Diagon Alley with on thing on his mind buying an owl. He didn't know why he didn't get one his first year but he shrugged it off and walks towards the owl shop. Opening the door as it tinkled above his head he browsed through the shop looking for unique owls. His sister Leslie had a snowy white owl called Winter. He loved Snowy White owls but he wanted a diffrent one fom his sister.

Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Rodgey Rolanders Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:50 pm

At mid-day, Rodgey was patroling the streets of Diagon alley looking for the perfect present to send his little sister, Aurora. He thought he should buy her a new dragon scale backpack but then Aurora wouldnt use it because she hated things made of dragon scale. As Rodgey walked down the street, He spotted the owl shop. Arurora had told him so many times that she wanted her first owl and rodgey thought that an owl would be a perfect gift for aurora. As he walked into the shop, He spotted a snowy white owl and some other owls. "Which one would be perfect for a 12 year old?" He asked himself.
Rodgey Rolanders
Rodgey Rolanders

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:01 pm

"May I say a snowy white owl would be perfect for a 12 year old, my sister Leslie has one and she's fourteen."said Andrew. "Sorry to bu you, I just thought you could use the help I'm Andrew, Andrew Darling."said Andrew stiking out his hand for him to shake. "But I'm sure she'll like anyone that you give her."said Andrew. "Do you know what kind of owls she's into?"Andrew asked him softly browsing through the owls. Andrew decided on getting him a black Eagle Owl and calling it Shadow but he'll get it later for he wanted to help this boy out.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Rodgey Rolanders Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:30 pm

"Im Rodger... but... You call me rodger and thats the last thing you will do.. Everyone calls me rodgey.. rodgey rolanders.." He said shaking the dudes hand. "Dude I really dont know what my little god sister likes.. She studied owls when she was 9 but... She never studied a certain kind of owl." He said looking around at the owls. "I think that she would like a grey or blackish one though" Rodgey said looking at the grey barn owl.
Rodgey Rolanders
Rodgey Rolanders

Number of posts : 59

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:26 pm

"Nice to meet you Rodgey."said Andrew as he looked through the owls trying to help him find one for Rodgey sister. "Hey Rodgey man, I found one I think she might like."said Andrew as stood in front of the black barn owl. "From what I hear there really rare because there's not many black barn owls out there in the world."said Andrew. "I honestly think she'll like it man, but it's your choice of what you want to get her I'm just helping."said Andrew. "Although that gray one you werre looking at was cool as well, but I thought seeing how she liked black this one would be the one for her."said Andrew shrugging.
^what the owl looked like
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Rodgey Rolanders Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:37 pm

Rodgey went over to him and looked at the owl that he was talking. "Thats pretty cool. I am One hundred percent sure that she would love to have an owl like that." Rodgey said as He picked up the owl, and began to look for a cage to buy also. After finding a cage, he paid for the owl and the cage and looked around again. "I really wish James was here but.. he isnt so.. that sux." Rodgey said to himself as he looked at Andrew. "So.. Where should we go next to shop?" He asked andrew as he checked his cellphone to see what time it was.
Rodgey Rolanders
Rodgey Rolanders

Number of posts : 59

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:43 pm

"Hold on one second man, let me get my owl right quick."said Andrew getting his black eagle owl and got a cage and paid for it. "I'm down with anything man, although I do have to buy some more quills and parchment for my job."said Andrew. "Dang it I almost forgot, I got to write a letter to my little sister Leslie at Hogwarts."said Andrew cursing himself as he almost forgot. "My little is is in the Gryffindor house, which house is your sister in?"Andrew asked him curiously. Although Andrew didn't care what houses people were in for he had tons of friends that were in different houses.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Rodgey Rolanders Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:48 pm

when Andrew said that he needed to buy quills and parchment, Rodgey chuckled."I dont write much letters to my sister.. She lives with me and a friend of mine and his 2 sisters ver holidays and over the summer so i see her then and we talk about all we need to at that time." He told andrew when andrew said that he forgot to write to his sister leslie. When Andrew said that leslie was in gryffindor he suddenly couldnt believe it. "My god-sister.. aurora.. She is in gryffindor.." Rodgey explained as he looked around for other places to goto.
Rodgey Rolanders
Rodgey Rolanders

Number of posts : 59

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Shopping for some stuff Empty Re: Shopping for some stuff

Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:58 pm

Andrew nodded. "Yeah it's the same way with me and my sister, she lives with me but she writes me almost everyday!"said Andrew chuckling. "I guess I'm my sister role modle she looks up to me seeing how I'm the oldest."said Andrew shrugging. Andrew looked at him shocked when he said his god sister was in Gryffindor. "Wow really? I wonder if they know each other."said Andrew softly wondering if they were friends or not. "I was a Gryffindor myself in Hogwarts, god I miss that place at times thought."said Andrew honestly.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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