"Well, I hope they don't try to come home in it," Angus said.
"They won't. Aria is too careful for that, and so is Ruby," Marcus said. "They're probably getting hula lessons right about now."
"I bet they're not," Angus laughed. "I don't honestly see that being Aria's speed. Evan probably popped the cork on a bottle of Edward's wine. It is entirely in Evan's DNA to be hospitable somehow."
Robert came downstairs.
"Did we overdo things for Elwood?" Angus asked.
"Not at all," Robert said. "That's the first he's been outside in years and years, and I couldn't have prescribed anything better for him. He got some fresh air, some sunshine, some laughter, some music, some great conversation, and a great meal. And he made some friends. For a man who thought he wanted to die a couple days ago, he at least is willing to admit he isn't sure how he feels now. And that is a half a step back away from being so determined that he wanted to just let his own clock run out. And now, he's sipping on a cup of almond tea and feeling pretty darned content at the moment. Bringing him here was a far better move for him than I thought it would be."
"I've ordered him a gift," Angus said. "I hope its here either later today or in the morning. I ordered him a chess set. The white pieces are made of selenite and the black are made of tourmaline."
"Oh, well done. I haven't seen a set like that, but it will carry all sorts of positive energies, and the selenite will keep it permanently charged with those positive energies. It will be a very handsome board, and I am sure that, intellectual as he is, he will certainly appreciate it. It was a great morning out, but I do have some things that I need to do this afternoon, so I'll take my leave and leave him in your very capable hands."
"Ruby, Aria," Evan called. "Your cappuccinos are ready out in the outdoor living room area by the pool."