A Birth day - Page 29
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A Birth day - Page 29 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:17 pm

Edward apparated Robert to his room and made sure he was securely on the bed. He took off his shoes and started to help get him out of his clothes.

"Wait," Angus said to Jessie. "Wait. We're not done. We need to make sure Daniella's alright. We can't stop till we get to her. If she's not being protected, we need to get her out of here and get her to somewhere safe. We have to keep going."

"Daniella's office is only a few feet from here," Marcus told Jessie, putting one arm under Angus. "Maybe we can manage both." He turned down a side hallway where there were several doors on both sides of the hallway and one door at the end of the hall. "That door," Marcus said, pointing to the doorway at the end of the hall. Marcus helped Angus down to the end of the hall. "You have a few more slashing spells left if we need them?" Marcus asked Angus. Angus nodded.

"It's password protected," Angus said quietly.

"Well, crap," Marcus said. When they got to the end of the hallway, Angus spoke assertively to the door.

"Honeydukes," Angus said. Marcus frowned, and the door opened.

"Michael's fudge addiction," Angus told him quietly. Marcus shook his head, amused. They went in, and., at first they saw no one. And then, Marcus saw Daniella slowly peek up from behind her desk where she'd been hiding.

"Daniella," Marcus said. "Come. We'll get you to safety. Michael will catch up."

"Belby," She sighed, relieved. "And Donohue." She knew them. She didn't know Jessie.

"He's with us," Marcus said. "For all practical purposes, he's Angus's brother in law. Let's go while we still can. Jessie, take Angus and Daniella to the duplex. I'll go help Michael, unless Lucian's getting it under control downstairs."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24078
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:25 pm

Jessie saw and heard Angus but he also saw Marcus run over to them. He felt some of Angus weight lift from him as Marcus took the other side of Angus and they both made their way to Daniella's office . he chuckled as Angus spoke the password " should have guessed" he said softly as they drew near to it. The door opened and Jessie and the others walked in. For a moment he saw nobody but then he saw a small woman's head pop up from behind the desk and he breathed out.

Letting Marcus and Angus do the talking he nodded to her reassuring her they were the good guys. " I can do that" he said and held Angus as he then held out his hand for Daniella to take so he could port them to the duplex. " minister" he said as he took hold of her hand and ported both to the duplex.

Jess paused in what she was doing and looked at Edward " Angus is back and he brought some one with them, Daniella? " she said then after checking Robert she ported to the duplex bag once more in hand.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5608

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:40 pm

Edward had felt Angus's energy closeby again. He knew well before Jess ever said Angus was back.

"Yes, I know," Edward said. "One at a time, Jess. One of us needs..." he began, and then Jess was gone already. "Damnit," he cursed.

Edward sighed, highly frustrated with her. It was very aggravating when Jess's seers' energies caused her to always try to be several steps ahead of everyone else. It frustrated him, when Robert was the deputy minister, that Jess would simply elect to apparate out and just leave Robert. Edward continued to work to help get Robert out of his suit.

"Make yourself at home, Daniella," Angus said. "I'm going to go get a plaster." He went upstairs, remembering he had some supplies in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24078
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:45 pm

Jess saw Angus and walked over putting her hand on his shoulder she slowed the bleeding and started the healing " I have to get back " she said " sorry I can't stay too long " she said and ported back to Edward and Robert " sorry about the sudden leaving, his shoulder was hit" she said as she refocused back on Robert " bleedings slowed but he has Jessie and Daniella with him , now lets focus on Robert again" she said sending one of the nurses she had ask to come with her over to the duplex.

Jess focused her energy on healing Roberts wounds sending the flow to where is should be and was needed, she took out some salve and lay it over some of the sounds " healing salve Robert made it himself stronger than normal salves and should do the trick, for now.." she said moving his shirt to one side " do you feel any more issues?" she asked looking up at him," she asked looking up at Edward.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5608

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:01 am

"That poor shoulder," Edward sighed. "I'll dress it when I get over there if I need to. As for Robert? No. nothing more, not physically at least. I am feeling that his last thought before he bled out so far was being very upset and frustrated with himself that he hadn't seen this could be coming. He knew he had been set up and that this hit against him was going to risk others. Hopefully, by the time he wakes up, the team will all be back here, and we'll be able to reassure him that everyone's safe.

"I can try to dress Angus's shoulder when I get over there, and I know I can immobilize it if I need to," Edward said. "I do realize that if Robert's out of commission for any stretch, we'll have to probably notify Nigel, but I do know Robert is a better surgeon than Nigel, so I'd rather not let many people muck with him--unless you disagree with that?"

Daniella found where the kitchen towels were and she took two clean white ones, and she had Angus take off his shirt. Then she started to clean his shoulder. The blood had his clothes saturated, but Angus had no plans to change clothes in the kitchen in front of strangers.

"Ru, we could use you lot over here," Angus called to her.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24078
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:09 am

Jess listened to Edward and nodded " nope I agree totally with what you said" she said " let him rest and recover and yes the less people mess with him the better" she said " but we should let Nigel know , just in case" she said " he doesn't have to come until we ask him.

Ruby heard Marcus call and gave Caprice to Simone, heading over to their side of the duplex seeing Angus as he was she looked to Marcus and nodded knowing he would want Daniella not to see him shirtless " Why don't I show Daniella the fae garden while you clean Angus up, unless you need my hep for that?" she asked " clean laundry's in the basket on the left in the laundry room" she said opening the back door and leading her to the garden and motioning to Daniella to step out so she could see them better " this is where the fae , along with King Minos live, we help them as best we can but their self-sufficient for the most part" she said kneeling down and motioning for Daniella to do the same.

Lucian took down the last man and motioned for his men to take the others into custody , each was cuffed and held by one of Lucians men he looked around for the others and saw Marcus " you want any of these?" he asked " Elliot is over there with Jack" he said seeing Jack holding the boy with one hand about five inches off the ground.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5608

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:27 am

"He and his people attempted to assassinate our deputy minister of magic," Michael said to a French auror. "We need to make sure that Mr. Gelding here is extradited to our ministry of magic to face charges for that offense, please. And, just so you know, Mr. Gelding, that is a capital offense in my country."

"Can you arrange extradition for Elliot Gelding, Lucian?" Marcus asked.

"The minister is missing!" someone yelled from upstairs. Marcus said Michael become alarmed immediately.

"No," Marcus told Michael quietly. "She's not. We have her. She's safe." Michael looked at Marcus for a moment and breathed out a sigh of relief.

"And you got Robert out?"

"Yes. We're good. I think we can safely let Lucian handle this," Marcus said. "You good with that, Lucian? If so, I'm going to head back to Angus. Do you need Michael and Jack yet?"

"Go take care of things at home," Michael told him. "Jack and I will follow when we can."

"Thanks, Michael," Marcus said. He flicked his wand and ported home. When he got there he saw the mess Angus was in.

"Let me help," Marcus said. He got some first aid supplies and dressed the wound on Angus's shoulder and then helped Angus clean up and get fresh clothes. He set a cleaning spell in place to clean up the blood on the floor, and he tossed the clothes right into the washer to be washed before the blood would get set in the fabric.

"Is Daniella here?" Marcus asked.

"Ruby took her outside to give me time to change," Angus said.

"Good. Alright. Well, you go sit for a moment. I'll tell them you're not naked and then one of will put some tea on." Marcus said. Angus went to sit down, and Marcus went to the door.

"The coast is clear. He's not leaking or naked anymore, so you can come in," Marcus told Ruby and Daniella.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24078
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:36 am

Lucian looked at Marcus and Michael and nodded " we can do that" he said and motioned to Jack to give Elliot to one of his men but Jack just held onto him and looked to Marcus" I'll stay and make sure this one is deposited in our jail" he said then listened to Marcus ask if he could head home, he heard Michael say they would head back once they were done and he nodded " no rush" he said.

Ruby heard Marcus and breathed out heading back in with Daniella " I'll get the coffee and tea on the go" she said heading to start the washer with Angus clothing in but she found it already on and looked to Marcus nodding with smile before putting the kettle on for some coffee " I think Irish coffee is called for after the day you both have had" she said
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5608

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:53 am

"Thanks, Ruby," Marcus said. "That would be fantastic. Daniella, Michael knows you're here, and he knows you're safe. I'm sure he'll be coming when he can get free."

"What on earth happened?" Daniella asked.

"Don't you know?" Angus asked.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking," she said.

"Suzanne Gelding and her thugs made an open attempt to assassinate Robert Lupin in your lobby."

"What!" she was immediately upset.

"We can give you details as soon as we have all of them," Marcus said. "Jess and Edward stopped the bleeding, and I think Edward took him to his room in the main house. Other than that, I dont know much. I can check on him, though."

"Daniella, this was all a set up," Angus said. "Suzanne wants me dead, and she set all this up, with the attempt on Robert, to draw me out, knowing I'd surely come to help protect him, and then, not only would she be able to say she took out Robert but she took me out too."

"That dirty little wench," Daniella said under her breath, seething.

"I called her far worse," Angus told her.

"And I'm sure my name calling outdid you both," Marcus said, "not that we're keeping score on our obscenities."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24078
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 29 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:01 am

Ruby nodded and returned with three mugs of Irish coffee handing one to each of them she returned to the kitchen and then to the living room with her own cup a she sat and listened to them talking about Suzzanne and she sighed shaking her head as they spoke of the amount of names they had called her. She could not help but chuckle at Marcus words " that's so true" she said " but the worst I have called her is mother" she said sipping her coffee.

Aria smelt coffee and heard talking and looked to Simone " you think they forgot about us?" she asked with a chuckle as Caprice wriggled to be let down. Once she was she made for the adjoining door and into their room calling for Angus. Aria took off after her and stopped seeing Angus and Marcus " sorry, she got away" she said and smiled looking at Daniella as she saw Caprice stand at the side of Angus's chair.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5608

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