HUGHES, Orla Jean
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HUGHES, Orla Jean Li9olo10

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HUGHES, Orla Jean

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HUGHES, Orla Jean Empty HUGHES, Orla Jean

Post by Orla Hughes Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:22 pm

HUGHES, Orla Jean Tumblr_nyp9zzryV81ql59afo7_500



AGE: Sixteen | b. April 10th.

ALLEGIANCE: Potter’s Army.

HOGWARTS HOUSE: – (Admins can pick!)

WAND: Apple and Unicorn Hair, 15 inches, Whippy.

PLAY BY: Freya Mavor.



Look there! A Hughes! She’s blonde, blue-eyed, long lashed, and freckled all over. Oh my! Another one! Identical, no? But for that birthmark on her neck. Merlin, another one! A littler one, but just as similar. You would be forgiven, reader, for struggling to tell the Hughes girls apart, especially the elder two from each other. That’s understandable, given that they’re identical twins, but the littlest could arguably be another twin. They all bear the same characteristics, inherited largely by their mother, and all share a similar height, making it damn near impossible to tell them apart from behind. Blessedly, there are differences between their faces (and, when in Hogwarts, in their robes) which makes it somewhat achievable to discern Orla from Seren and Cerys.

Before we establish the nuances of her facial features, however, there are some noticeable differences in the frames of the sisters. Orla’s torso is shorter than that of her sister’s but in her lower body she more than makes that up, overtaking her twin in height by a couple of inches. Her limbs are long and sinewy and absolutely teaming with freckles – albeit this is a trait all three sisters share. Unlike the other two, though, Orla more conspicuously attempts to cover them up, the freckles being a source of intense self-consciousness. She is not fond of them, to say the least, and rather envies how comfortable her sisters appear in their skin by comparison. Oddly enough, Orla also has the biggest feet of all of the sisters – a size seven, although Cerys does seem to be catching up!

Between the two identical sisters, there are teeny-tiny differences in their features. The birth mark that Orla bears has already been mentioned. It looks almost as though her freckles have been smudged, although she takes great pains to cover it up. When she neglects to, though, it’s the easiest way to tell the girls apart. Her nose is slightly longer, also, and her lips just a little bit thinner than her sister’s. Orla also has wider eyes, although it is difficult to really see that, even when the two are next to each other. Her chin is less pronounced than Seren’s, also, but, again, it’s tricky to spot.

Where they do differ is in how they dress, although their penchant for borrowing each other’s clothes at times makes that distinction pointless. Orla loves bohemian patterns, oversized hats and denim. Her sister is more interested in block colours and has more of a business-like appearance. But, again, the pair chop and change so much that it’s tricky to tell and neither do much with their hair, electing to leave the long, wavy blonde locks down most of the time, so it really is about getting them in front of you if you want to see which one is which.

However, there is one definite way to tell them apart – their voices. Orla’s is much more gravely, although she can match her sister’s intonation. But, yes, if you’re looking to tell one witch from another, just get them to speak. That’s the easiest way, reader, I assure you!


001. Creative,
002. Curious,
003. Idealistic,
004. Tolerant,
005. Bright,
006. Selfless,
007. Rash,
008. Sensitive,
009. Self-conscious,
010. Altruistic.

001. Rainbows,
002. Chinese food,
003. Movies,
004. Video games,
005. Drawing.

006. Storms,
007. Conflict,
008. Potions,
009. Rats,
010. Death Eaters.

GOAL: Figure out what she wants to do with her life & pass her N.E.W.Ts


FATHER: Tobias Hughes | 48 | Half-Blood | Author

MOTHER: Imogen Hughes | 45 | Muggle-Born | Herbologist


Matthew Hughes | 20 | Half-Blood | Charms Apprentice

Seren Hughes | 16 | Half-Blood | [Hogwarts House] Student

Cerys Hughes | 13 | Half-Blood | [Hogwarts House] Student

SPECIES/BLOODTYPE: Human | Half-Blood.

SOCIAL STATUS: Middle-Class.



With her elder brother, Matthew, her twin sister, Seren, and her youngest sister, Cerys, Orla was brought up in south-west Wales, in a wizarding village near Tenby. Orla grew up around magic and in the culture of the magical world and expected to attend Hogwarts, especially after her brother got his letter. They often made trips into Diagon Alley, although mainly made use of the wizarding district in Swansea, which was far closer to their family home. As a child, Orla always wanted to be sorted into Gryffindor.

The children also grew up around plants – their house qualifying as a working greenhouse as well as being the family home. They were thus all destined to be dab hands at Herbology. Ivy covered the house and mandrakes grew in the front garden next to beetroot plants. There was always dirt to be found and pots growing all kinds of different plants covered every available surface. It was a bit of a haphazard house, really, but one in which her father wrote four bestsellers.

All of the children attended the local magical school which had been set up not long after the young couple had moved into the area, before they’d had children. It boasted exemplary alumni, however, who went on to do great things at Hogwarts. The hope was that the Hughes children would go on to do the same. Their parents would supplement their learning with private tuition, also, determined to provide an excellent education for them all.

It was quite an outdoorsy childhood, too. They would spend their free time roaming the countryside with their mother, searching for wild plants. They would also go to Quidditch often as a family, their favoured team being the Caerphilly Catapults. The children would get a new jersey annually and, to this day, the children are still fans, even if Matthew did have a blip where he fancied the Tutshill Tornadoes. They all had a sport they practiced, too. Orla has always been a keen sprinter.

The girls acquired their Hogwarts letters on time. They were excited to join their brother but apprehensive about leaving Cerys behind. But, as they had their robes measured, they could feel their excitement brewing.


The thing Orla was most excited about was learning how to fly. She and her sister were sorted into separate houses and they were most displeased to be supporting different house teams. They made a pact to always stay close while at Hogwarts, though, and make time for each other. They did this by having breakfast with each other at least once a week and when they went into their third year, always made sure to have coffee in Hogsmeade together.

By far, Orla’s best subject in her early years at school was Herbology. The same went for all of the Hughes children – their mother’s training doing them well. Orla did develop a streak for Defence Against the Dark Arts, though, and certainly excelled in Charms as her ‘EE’ mark in her O.W.Ls shows. Her third year electives of Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy and Divination were wash-outs. She dropped the latter two and kept the first, in which she got a respectable ‘A’ grade. It’s a subject she’s improved in since, too.

In her fifth year, Orla joined Potter’s Army, seeing it as a good opportunity to practice her magic – especially with her O.W.Ls getting closer. She has thoroughly enjoyed her time in that group, learning lots in the process. She also formed a Herbology club – although that proved less popular, understandably, though both of her sisters are part of it and they have spent many a long afternoon in the greenhouses together.

In between her magic, Orla has also found time to keep up with her athletics. She runs every morning and during the summer competes with other girls her age in amateur competitions in her town and in the surrounding villages. She’s also developed the ability to draw and has, since here early teen years created, every birthday and Christmas card she’s ever needed. She also finds that drawing and colouring is an excellent way to relax – especially when studying gets stressful.

This year, he fully intends to knuckle down – although she also wants to break into the Quidditch team, having served in the reserve squad since her fourth year. She thinks that, with many people in the first team having graduated, this year is her chance. But she also needs to prepare for her N.E.W.Ts, too – and somehow work out how not to splinch herself while trying to apparate. It’s going to be a busy one – she knows that much.




HOW YOU FOUND US: I live here.

Orla Hughes
Orla Hughes
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 263

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HUGHES, Orla Jean Empty Re: HUGHES, Orla Jean

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:49 pm

Oh, i like her a lot! She sounds like she's going to be a lot of fun for you to rp with. She's sounding like a Huffle to me, though. Thoughts?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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HUGHES, Orla Jean Empty Re: HUGHES, Orla Jean

Post by Isadora Malfoy-Nott Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:54 pm

I like! <3
Isadora Malfoy-Nott
Isadora Malfoy-Nott
Ravenclaw Graduate
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HUGHES, Orla Jean Empty Re: HUGHES, Orla Jean

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:55 pm

Now, if Red likes her, hopefully we're set. Maybe. LOL
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24078
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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