CHASTAIN, Benedict
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CHASTAIN, Benedict  Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

CHASTAIN, Benedict

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CHASTAIN, Benedict  Empty CHASTAIN, Benedict

Post by Benedict Chastain Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:23 pm

CHASTAIN, Benedict  Tumblr_lj1sswq7Jt1qg8i7go1_500




AGE: 26, b. April 13th, 2002.

ALLEGIANCE: Death Eaters.

HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ilvermorny graduate

WAND: Pine wood, unicorn tail hair, 11'', inflexible

PLAY BY: Robert Pattinson



With his blue-grey eyes and light brown hair Benedict Chastain is quite an ordinary man. Only a little higher than most of the men, there isn't any feature that would make him remarkable. He wears simple clothes mostly chosen by his sister because  she says he's a lost cause when it's needed to decide whether some piece of clothing is suitable or not, so that's where his sister, a stylist, usually steps in. Ben is a lover of aviator sunglasses and has an enviable collection of those. He likes suits but wears them less often than he would like. He can often be seen wearing jeans and shirts. Benedict has 2 inches long scar on left side of his ribs caused by course, he got wounded while he was on a mission for Death Eaters, and without his partner knowledge of basic healing, he wouldn't have survived.


Positive: Hard-working, determined, courteous, respectful.

Negative: Dishonest, proud, rebellious, jealous.

Likes: Strawberries, writing, smell of old books, lanterns, the city of  Rouen (it's where his grandparents are living (he's half French)), old maps (the older the map is the better), hiking, the sea.

Dislikes: Mexican food, wine (or anything alcoholic, really), gardening, Celina, talking about his job, talking about his past, stone sculptures, coffee.

GOAL: Win a Pulitzer prize.


FATHER: Ralph Chastain, muggle.

MOTHER: Francis Chastain (nee Devereaux), muggle.

SIBLING/S: Jessamine Chastain, sister, witch.
Wallace Chastain, brother, muggle.

OTHER: Caspar Devereaux, grandfather.
Viki Deveroux, grandmother.

Celina Moss, ex-wife (divorced).




Benedict Chastain was born in Wilmington, Delaware to Francis and Ralph Chastain. He has five years older sister and three years older brother which makes him the baby in the family. His father worked as a mechanic while his mother was a clerk in med lab.

Benedict had a normal childhood, as normal as it can be with his older sister Jessamine being a witch (first witch in their quite large family). He was always closer with his brother than with Jess, it might have been because the age gap between them was smaller, or because, unlike Jessamine who was schooling at Ilvermorny, Wallace lived in a room next to his, and was attending the very same school Benedict was attending since he turned 7.

When he turned 11 it was obviously that, although Jess was the first witch in their family, she wasn't the last one because Benedict got an invitation for schooling at Ilvermorny. During his schooling in Ilvermorny Benedict was a good student, he was far from being the best, but he always had at least passing grades, and never caused much of trouble to his professors.

After graduation, Benedict decided to continue his schooling at the University of Columbia, studying Journalism, while working part-time in the local pub as a bartender.

When he was 21 he married Celina Moss, his girlfriend from Ilvermorny, but the pair parted their ways in late December, a month after their second anniversary and two months after Benedict finished his schooling and got a job in local papers. It was Benedict who has filled the divorce papers, realising Celina wasn't the same woman he married some time ago.

Although claiming they're in a friendly relationship, the pair hasn't spoken since Benedict's sudden move to the UK a year ago. He got a job of a journalist in the Daily Prophet and doesn't plan to go back to the States in near future. Benedict is also an active Death Eaters member, he joined a couple of years ago.


ALSO KNOWN AS: Ar(abella)


HOW YOU FOUND US: I googled HP RGP sites.

MAIN CHARACTER: Benedict Chastain

Last edited by Benedict Chastain on Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Benedict Chastain

Number of posts : 12
Occupation : Daily Prophet Journalist

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CHASTAIN, Benedict  Empty Re: CHASTAIN, Benedict

Post by Benedict Chastain Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:04 pm

Benedict Chastain

Number of posts : 12
Occupation : Daily Prophet Journalist

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CHASTAIN, Benedict  Empty Re: CHASTAIN, Benedict

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:14 am


Benedict looks fine to me. Good job!

Sorted and accepted to grads!

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 24078
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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