NORTH, Elisabeth
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NORTH, Elisabeth Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

NORTH, Elisabeth

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NORTH, Elisabeth Empty NORTH, Elisabeth

Post by Elisabeth North Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:05 am

NORTH, Elisabeth FFyj6

Elisabeth Clara North


    FULL NAME: Elisabeth Clara North

    NICKNAMES:  Lissy 

    AGE: 16 17

    ALLEGIANCE: Potter's Army

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw or HufflepuffCLASSES:  Charms, DADA,  Transfiguration Extracurricular: Orchestra

    WAND: Pine, Unicorn Hair, 14 1/2 inches + hard 

    PLAY BY: Georgia Moffett


    HAIR COLOUR: Blonde

    EYE COLOUR: Blue


    BODY BUILD: lean

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Elisabeth is a tall girl, standing at 6 feet 2 inches, with hair that reaches down to her waistline. She lean, and kind of athletic. Her eyes are blue like ice.


    STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: A very good reader most of her friends live in her books, is agile. Can be clumsy because of her height, and gets nervous or embarrassed quickly.

    LIKES & DISLIKES: Likes: Reading, a muggle television show (that she's not supposed to be watching), playing music, and drawing. Dislikes: People who act like jerks, failing tests or quizzes, failing classes. GOALS: To be more outgoing, and find someone that likes her

    HABITS & QUIRKS: will play with her hair, animagus traits or qualities come out when nervous

    BOGGART: Voldemort

    PATRONUS: A tabby cat (her animagus)

    DEMENTOR: Dying

    VERITASERUM: The muggle items she collects

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To read every book she could ever get her hands on PERSONALITY: Elisabeth is a bookworm, she is very shy and most of her friends live in her books. Her best friend is her identical twin sister Annabelle. She tries to be friendly if confronted. She is very studious, and gets good grades in school. Elisabeth will open up to someone who she trusts, someone who loves her. Elisabeth and her sister Annabelle were taught to hone their animagus abilites when they were young, and both turn into tabby cats.


    FATHER: Name: Percival (Percy) North/ Age: 40/ Living or dead:Living / Blood status or species: Pureblood, Animagus-Great Dane

    MOTHER: Anastasia North (nee Neige) / Age: 40/ Living or dead: Living / Blood status or species: Half-blood

    SIBLING/S: Name: Annabelle (Identical twin)/ Age:16 / Living or dead:Living / Blood status or species: Half-blood 

    Name: Alexandre North / Age:12 / Living or dead:Living / Blood status or species: Half-blood

    OTHER: other significant family or family-like people

    BLOOD STATUS:  Half-blood


    SOCIAL STATUS: Wealthy

    PET/S:Neige, Snowy Owl, Age 2



    Early Years: Elisabeth grew up with her identical twin Annabelle, and although they are halfbloods, their pureblood father taught them how to be animagi from a young age, and showed them how to properly utilize this ability, by demonstrating his powers for them and having them read many books on the subject. He showed them how they have to concentrate on what they want to turn into, and not get stuck. Elisabeth's best friend was and always will be her twin Annabelle. Elisabeth didn't have very many 'real' friends growing up, as many of her friends lived in her books, which she cherish very much.Hogwarts Years: in her five years at Hogwarts thusfar, Elisabeth has passed all of her classes, and has almost read every book in the library. She spends a lot of her time either in the library, or flying on her broom. Elisabeth is very shy, and hasn't made many friends yet, but this year she's determined to make friends.Adulthood: At least 1 paragraph of your character's history after Hogwarts


    ALSO KNOWN AS: Ariel

    RP EXPERIENCE: 7 months 

    HOW YOU FOUND US: User Samantha Burns

    MAIN CHARACTER: for current members, your main character in the multiple characters list

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: First character on site

    RP SAMPLE: Elisabeth arrived to a dimly lit library, which appeared vacant. She set towards the fiction and morphed back to herself again. As she regained her regular stature, she realized she wasn't sure what she had wanted to read next. She finally found the perfect book and slipped it into her bag. She started heading towards the exit when someone stopped her. She turned around to face a boy about a year older than she, he flashed a grin at her "Ello, Darling. Out so late, are we?" he said, Elisabeth blushed slightly, hoping the boy couldn't see it through the darkness. "Oh hi, I um, was looking for a new book to read." she said nervously, "I'm Elisabeth, and you are?" she asked, probably blushing a bit more apparently now, she always seemed to blush and be nervous around guys.

Last edited by Elisabeth North on Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:02 pm; edited 5 times in total
Elisabeth North
Elisabeth North
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 37

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NORTH, Elisabeth Empty Re: NORTH, Elisabeth

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:43 pm

Hey, Elisabeth!

Welcome to PA! I love when new members join.

Anyway, I'm reading your app, and I like her. I think she's a great Ravenclaw.

I have just one thing I'd like you to polish, though, please. I'm fine with her as an animagus, and I like that you've made her have to struggle with control of it, ie, when she gets nervous, etc. That is as it should be for her age. We do prefer that characters have abilities relatively close to their age and experience.

With that said, i'd prefer you to polish her history about her animagus a bit. technically, if her father was teaching her underaged magic, he was breaking wizarding law. he might have, perhaps, taught her by demonstrating things with his own animagus, which would be allowable by law. he's an adult. he can use his own animagus. or by having her read about animaguses. or by helping her with any bursts of accidental magic she might have had so she didn't get stuck in some animagus state. but he could not legally have been outright teaching her to use magic b/c the ministry has tracers out on all underaged magic--a problem harry ran into regularly in canon.

let me know if you need help!


Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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NORTH, Elisabeth Empty Re: NORTH, Elisabeth

Post by Elisabeth North Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:08 pm

I did add more to the information, how he taught them and such and I think that it should be good now, I'm on my phone right now so if the length is weird that's why.
Elisabeth North
Elisabeth North
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 37

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NORTH, Elisabeth Empty Re: NORTH, Elisabeth

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:41 pm

Okay, it looks pretty good now. Just remember that even if she was taught/shown this ability at a younger age, she wouldn't be advanced in using it or anything at sixteen.

I'll accept her and sort her into Ravenclaw!
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Special Abilities : Seer
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