Why, hello all! While I really, really did not want to start a rant about this...I feel that a small, miniscule rant is about due. Seeing as I am up at 4:30 in the morning typing this because I woke up to go to the restroom, starting thinking about the classes here at good 'ol Hogwarts, and now I cannot go back to sleep. Some call may call me obsessed...myself, I like to say dedicated.
Upon receiving the permission to be a substitute professor, I sent each and every current professor a private message to let them know that I was available to take their classes if they were too busy to do it themselves. After doing so, I waited....and waited, but no replies. Well, obviously everyone must have a good hand on their own class. Perfect! I should get a good round of posting in with my student characters in their classes! Hm...well....why then do I have two characters stuck in classes with absolutely no professor to interact with? We want Hogwarts to be more active, and while others may think classes have no big part in it, I guess I must disagree.
Potions: Professor posts 04 November, no further replies, despite there being several students in the class. I would say three weeks would be enough time to wait before making a follow-up post.
Charms Class: Being taught by, dear Lord, a substitute professor. Started Sep 26th, was rolling along fairly well, class still hasn't ended almost 2 months later.
DADA: Class was started Oct 8. Numerous replies. Numerous students addressing the professor. No professor....for over a month.
Transfiguration: Last post Sep 17. That was when I joined, and I was told by the professor that I wouldn't have long to wait for the next class because I hadn't joined in time to take part in class #1. Nov 12: Second class finally posted. Ah, guess I didn't have too long to wait. Only 2 months. That class as well has had no further interaction from the teacher, though I'm not too worried yet. He hasn't quite hit 10 days yet.
COMC: Lesson begins Sep 26. Absolutely no further replies from the professor after initial post.
I'm sorry to be a little miffed, but the entire reason I created a teacher to be a sub was to cover classes if the professors were unable to. Being a professor, if I am thinking correctly, is one of those
challenging jobs here on PA. I would think that to be able to hold a challenging job post, you would have a need to be a little more active than one post a month. Not trying to piss in anyone's cheerios, but we were discussing not too long ago what we could do to get Hogwarts more active. Perhaps firing some staff and hiring on some new blood would be the answer. Not just for classes, but for lurking in threads where students are being naughty. I, for one, would have absolutely no problem butting into a closed thread if the students are doing something against the rules in broad daylight.
Anyways, I believe I have made my point, and I'll end my ranting here. Just a little put out that a helping hand gets offered, and instead of taking advantage, the professors decide to just create a class real quick then wash their hands of it, leaving students with no teacher. Don't make me apply to have my own class, people! I will do it!